10| who is this?

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"Who is this?"

"It's been awhile, hasn't it, baby?"

The voice sent shivers up my spine, and goosebumps crawled across my skin. What the hell?

Whoever told this girl what a seductive voice was, she got played. I pulled the phone away from my ear, to look at the number.

There wasn't one.

Damn, I thought. Sneaky little bitch.

"I'll repeat myself one more time. Who is this?"

"Hmm. How demanding of you. That's no way to speak to your girlfriend."

That made me frown.

What girlfriend?

For as long as I've known, I've never had a girlfriend before. Being kidnapped, at an early age, into a rival gang didn't really offer any dating opportunites. Especially, when all the girls in said rival gang all looked down on me, with sneers painting their faces. Like I was worthless. The irony was that they were all blown up to pieces. Thanks to a certain someone.

"You're, absolutely, fucking hilarious. Sorry, but I've never had a girlfriend before," I replied smoothly. The girl on the other side was silent for a moment, before responding. "Nice try, babe, but I'm your girlfriend."

"Mmm, that's cute, but you're wrong. One, like I've said, I've never had a girlfriend before; and two, I'm gay as fuck, so if you have anything to counterattack that, please try me."

"What the fuck, you're gay?" The girl on the other line screeched. I pulled the phone away from my ear, as she went off, at some unknown person, in the back.

"You told me that this was going to be all in good fun, but he's fucking gay, like you!"

Sighing, I put the phone next to my ear, and cleared my throat loudly, waiting for her to stop screaming.

"Excuse me, but is this some sort of prank call? If so, do not call this number again, you hear me? You'll regret it."

There was a pause on the other side, before a sassy male voice replied, this time. "Why? Are you threatening her? I can call the cops on your ass, you know that right?"

I smirked.


With that, I ended the call.

"Who was that?"

I turned my head, to find Jimin, staring at me, arms folded across his chest. He had an eyebrow arched, and a foot, tapping on the floor.

"It's just some kids trying to prank call me," I snorted, and tossed my phone to him, which he caught smoothly. "You're just the guy I need, right now. Can you make sure that they won't be able to contact me? I can't risk them tracking me down."

"Got you covered," he said, suspicions gone, thumbs flashing across the screen. He handed me the phone, once he was done. "Geez, kids these days and their dumb trends," he rolled his eyes. I shook my head, grinning.

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