15| he would never betray me

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I cursed, as the black cars came into view, on the cameras. "Dammit, who sold us away?" I grumbled, narrowing my eyes. Jimin sighed, and tapped at a few keys, on the keyboard, initiating a couple of bombs to explode a couple of the vans, parked farther away from our base.

"I think you're going to have to come to terms with the fact that Jungkook played you." Anger burst inside me, and I slammed my hands on the desk, making the older twitch an eyebrow, before clicking at the keys again. "Taehyung, as much as I liked that kid, that seems to be the only possible explanation to all of this."

My eye twitched. How dare he accuse Jungkook like that? My Jungkook would never be like that. He would never betray me. Never.

Suddenly, red lights started flashing, and a loud alarm began blaring into my ears. Hoseok rushed into the room, his brows furrowed. "He got in, Tae. Jeon got in, so you better hurry your ass up and do something about it."

I frowned, narrowing my eyes, "who said you could order me around?" I pulled my gun off of the desk, that was laying beside my hand. "I'll have to reprimand you later."

"Yeah, yeah, do that when that old geezer's dead."

"Tch. Out of my way."

One, two, three.

Down, they fall.

Four, five, six.

I considered the dead men, in front of me, and stepped over a body, that laid in my way. I twirled the knife in my hand, and continued down the hallway.

"Yoongi, tell me where that son of a bitch is," I spoke, listening into the mic, in my ear.

"Take a left, down the corner. Hurry, he's breaking all the cameras, and he's about to bash that one."

I muttered a few curses, at the thought of having to replace all of those cameras that the motherfucker has smashed. "Oh, he's gonna die."

Quietly, I peeked around the corner, and found the devil himself, shooting the camera, shattering it. I gritted my teeth. That costed a small fortune! Oh, he's fucking dead.

I was about to move from my hiding spot, until excructiating pain flared from my left thigh. Grunting, I collaped onto my right knee, clenching my eyes, to bear with the sting.

Chuckling made me open my eyes, and look up, clenching my teeth. "That's all that took to get you down?" Jeon smirked. "For all of your talk and defiance, you're pretty fucking weak."

I laughed, anger coursing through me, making me forget about the burning sensation in my leg. I stood up, like it was nothing, ignoring my wounded thigh.

"You didn't think my gang would be at the top, if I could be taken down with one single bullet to the leg? Tch. That wasn't even a good shot, that punk didn't even hit something vital." I twirled my gun, and pulled the trigger, tilting my head, when I heard someone fall at my feet, from behind.

Jeon raised his eyebrows, amused. "I'll have to admit, you're pretty good for someone so young. You hit my best long-distance shooter without even turning around, or aiming accurately."

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