(Jealous!)Spy X Reader

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Your P.O.V.

Today was the day we could go into town for things other than food and drink. For most of the team, this meant going to the strip club and participating in more illegal activities.

For me, it meant going to a bar, since there are no male prostitutes in town. I strolled into the seedy bar, signalling to the barkeep.

"Hey, (Y/N). The usual?" I nod. He slides me a bottle of Blu Streak and I chug it. The door swings open again, and somebody sits down next to me.

"I did not expect to find you here, ange doux." I turn to look at the offender. It's Spy.

"Didn't expect to find you here either, Spy." Spy signals to the barkeep and he gets a mug of beer with a shot.

"Woah, you drink beer?" He shrugs.

"It's good when 'ou want to get drunk quick. 'Ou are probably wondering why I am here, correct?" I nod. He pours the shot into the beer and starts chugging it. He slams it down once he's done, and sighs deeply.

"Ma petite chou-fleur...She left me." I gasp quietly.

"But she was completely enamoured by you. Why did she leave?" He shrugs.

"I guess she didn't like the fact that I kept killing our son." He cringes immediately. I pat his shoulder.

"I didn't know. I'm sorry. Who is it?" He groans.

"Ze Scout on ze ozer team. I had stopped once I found out who he was, but she still left me. I even left health and ammo packs for him when we both needed zem." I sigh.

"Women will be women." He nods and signals to the barkeep again, who refills his mug.

"Hey there, gorgeous. You come here often?" I turn to look at the drunkard who initiated contact with me.

"Once every two months. It's what my job allows." He chuckles.

"So I can see you around more often?" He puts a hand on my knee. I smile.

"Well depending on how you play this, you may just see more of me than you are now." He chuckles.

"What're you drinking?"

"Blu Streak." He signals to the barkeep.

"Two bottles of Blu Streak." Barkeep slides them over, and the drunk hands one to me.

"Thanks." He nods and takes a sip of his own.

"So how many Blu Streaks is it gonna take to get you to my house, sweet cheeks?" A hand is placed on my shoulder.

"'Our money is wasted on her. Go flirt with some other girl, 'ou fifty-year-old man." The drunk laughs.

"What, you her boyfriend or something, frog?" Spy's grip on my shoulder tightens.

"Oui, and 'ou would be better off leaving her alone. I am a dangerous man." The guy balls his hands into fists. I look away and blush.

"Oh, you are, are you? Put up your dukes, then! Let's see how dangerous you really are!" I hear Spy pull his balisong out.

"Fine. Let's settle this like gentlemen." He takes his hand off me and stands in front of the offending drunk. I put my hand out and grab Spy's.

"You don't have to do this." He sent a soft glare my way.

"Yes, I do." I let go of him. The drunk chugs his beer, then stands up.

"So the frog feels like hopping! Go ahead, take your best shot at me." Spy shook his head.

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