(Teenage!)Spy X (Teenage!Abused!) Reader

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(no accents because you're both speaking French. Trigger warning for threats, verbal abuse, and abusive themes.)

(I also have a title for this one. :3)

~Fragile Paper~

Your P.O.V.

A rich teenager's life in Paris, France was a lavish one. Didn't prevent acne, though. I groaned as I inspected my face in the mirror.

"Nobody could love a face like this." I stepped back and inspected my stretch marks.

"Nobody could love a body like this, either." I sigh and put on my clothes, then go downstairs for breakfast.

"Honey, you really need to use the acne stuff we got you." I roll my eyes.

"Well, it feels uncomfortable. I don't like it." My father looks at me over his newspaper.

"It doesn't matter whether you don't like it. We need people to like you. That means beauty. No acne. Styled hair. Makeup. Fancy clothing. And did you get piercings when I SPECIFICALLY TOLD YOU NOT TO?!" I cross my arms.

"Dad, they're tiny hoops. It's not the end of the world!" He stands up. My mother does nothing.

"Do I need to go over there and rip them out myself?" I bow my head and take them out.

"I'm sorry, father." He nods and we continue eating breakfast with no more talking.

A few hours later, and I'm ready to go to my private school. Makeup covers my acne as best it can and the stiff uniform makes sure none of my unsightly body marks are seen.

"Have a nice day at school, honey." I only nod and start walking the short distance between school and home.

I arrive on time, as usual, and sit down in my usual seat. Class begins, and we all wait for him to show up. Then, right on time, Laurent strides in like he owns the place five minutes late. He hands the teacher the tardy slip and scans the room for an open seat. I see that the only seat is next to me. He gracefully walks over and sits his handsome ass next to me.

"I have not seen you before, my little rabbit. Why would a girl as pretty as you hide?" I look away to avoid him.

The entire class passes like this, with him flirting with me at intermittent times. One time, he even passed me a perfect paper flower. I kept it on my desk, and he saw it as a victory. Once class ended, he slid me a folded slip of paper, then got up and left.

I carefully put the flower in my lunch bag, then read the slip of paper. It's a small declaration of love, which I found adorable. I put that with the flower, then go to lunch.

After the day ends, I walk back home, with the flower and note still in my lunch bag. Before I go inside, I check the front window.

My father has been day-drinking again. I decide to go to my room quietly, as to not anger him. I slip inside the house and go up to my room and set my book bag down, then take out the paper flower, still pristine, and set it on my desk. I smile softly, then quietly go downstairs, sneaking past my father, and put my lunch bag in the kitchen. I go back upstairs and do my homework, then just sit and admire his craftsmanship.

The next day, I cover up again and go to school. Laurent sits next to me again, but he's on time today. It spooks everybody. He cups my chin with his hand.

"Why would you cover up such a pretty face with makeup?" I blush softly.

"Acne isn't beautiful." His gaze hardens.

"Whoever says that your natural face isn't beautiful is an imbecile. After school, would you let me see?" I blush harder and nod once. His gaze softens again and he smiles.

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