Spy x Demo

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It wasn't really stealing, was it? He had only gone on one date with him. He didn't steal his heart, it was only dinner. Even though he had taken every precaution, tried every loophole he could find, here he was, a heart in his hands. He would give it back, but this one...There were cracks in it. It was faded, broken, and sad. He had to keep going, he had to heal this one, or the young man whose heart he had stolen on accident would die.

The next day, Laurent approached his coworker. Tavish's face lit up when he saw the other man. Laurent asked him out again, and of course he said yes. During the day, Laurent studied the heart. He needed comfort, not extravagance. A home would be good enough. At least, he hoped it would be. He'd find out tonight.

That night, Laurent took Tavish home. Not for any sort of copulation, for a quiet night in. Tavish seemed happy with that, and so Laurent was happy. Laurent was glad that he had a much more simple house than he could afford at that moment, because it was more cozy than a mansion or something like that.

"So, what's the plan for tonight?" Tavish asked. Laurent was startled out of his thoughts by the Scotsman's question. He smiled kindly.

"Just some food, a movie, maybe some cuddles. I'm not as vain as you think I am." Laurent chuckled softly. Tavish smiled and held his hand.

"Sounds wonderful."

Tavish went straight to the couch, kicking his feet up on the coffee table. Laurent laughed at his actions, then sat down next to him. He shifted, and fell into Tavish's lap, so he was laying down. Tavish chuckled.

"Comfy, love?" Tavish teased him and ruffled his hair. Laurent smiled.

"Absolutely." Laurent nuzzles into Tavish a bit, causing the Scotsman to blush. Tavish rubbed Laurent's head fondly. Laurent reached for the remote and turned on the TV.

"What would you like to watch? We've got Netflix, and Movies Anywhere," Laurent hums softly. Tavish hums softly in thought.

"Eh, let's watch something shitty on Netflix." Tavish smiles. Laurent chuckles and opens up the application. He scrolled through for a bit until Tavish stopped him.

"Let's watch Mala Mala." Tavish steals the remote and goes to the search bar. Laurent looked at him quizzically. That was an odd choice, but he wouldn't argue.

They spent the next hour or so watching the documentary. Tavish seemed to regret his choice of movie about five minutes in, but he didn't change it. After it ended, he got up.

"Where's the bathroom?" Tavish asked. Laurent directed him, and he went off. While Tavish was gone, Laurent checked on the heart. It seemed to have rehealed, but it was slowly breaking again. Laurent got up to check on Tavish, pushing the door open slightly so he could see what was going on.

Tavish had his shirt off, and he was looking in the mirror, running a hand over his torso. Laurent quickly realized that he was running his hand over surgical scars. He went back out and sat in the living room, wondering what he could do.

Tavish came back out and sat next to Laurent, then grabbed his hand. Laurent looked over at him quizzically.

"Laurent, I...I need to tell you something. Okay?" Tavish seemed nervous. Laurent nodded.

"Alright. Tell me what it is." Laurent scooted closer, so he could hug him quickly.

"I'm..." Tavish sighed. "I'm trans. I haven't been able to afford bottom surgery yet, so it's alright if you-" Laurent cut Tavish off by kissing him.

"I don't care. Alright? I love you, no matter what." Laurent smiles at Tavish. Tavish smiles back and hugs him tightly. Laurent felt a bit wet, and looked down to see that his beau was crying into his shoulder. He allowed him to do so, just holding him close.

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