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'Beg' - This would be used in a derogatory way to say that the person is copying or following somebody. This could be used also in a playful way between two friends.

e.g. A person could be eagerly following something somebody done, such as a certain hairstyle or following a habit somebody does, such as eating a certain food with something weird somebody would say 'You're such a beg, why you tryna be me?' or 'She's a beg, why is she trying to act like (whoever it is)'

'Batty' - This is a term used in replacement for bum or ass. This is commonly used by boys, especially rappers in their songs.

e.g. J Hus - Friendly, 'You see a big batty where you find that, Make her pull up and rewind that' Here is he saying that she has an extremely big bum, hence the find that part and that he wants her to bascially come back so that he can see it again. I would reccomend watching the M/V to SEE what I mean.

'Battyman' 'Batty Boy' - This is a dergotary term used aginst gay boys and also straight boys.

e.g. If a boys friend is getting 'too close' for comfort he will reply by saying 'Why you acting like a battyman for?'

'Badman' 'Badboy' - This is usually used to identify someone who is a person who kinda of goes against the law or rules that are set in place.

e.g. Two girls could be talking about one of their crushes and the friend could reply by saying, 'Watch out for him, he's a badman you know."

'Beat' - This is another would for sex or to have sex. It also has its universal meaning of hitting somebody but is commonly used to refer to sex.

e.g. A boy is talking to his friends about a girl who he had sex with, to illustrate this he would say 'Aye you know I beat her.'

'Bowcat' - This is a term used in place for giving a girl oral sex.

e.g. A friend is saying that he heard a boy gave head to a girl, he would say this by saying, 'Aye I head he's a bowcat you know.'

'Buck' - This means to meet somebody.

e.g. Someone wanting to meet up with somebody would say, 'Come buck me at (location)'

'Buff' 'Buffting' - This means somebody is good-looking and is the more updated slang term for 'Boomting' which was used back during the early 2000's such as 2009-2011.

e.g. Two girls are talking about a boy they have seen, 'Aye, he's buff init.'

'Browning' - This is used to refer to a brown skinned black girl and is also a Caribbean seasoning used in different dishes.

e.g. 1, A boy talking about his ideal type, 'I want a browning you know.'

e.g. 2, A person being told to a list of things to buy, 'Go buy chicken, pepper, brownin, onions ..'

'Bredren' 'Bredda' - This is a key example of the Afro-Caribbean influence as it originates from there and means friend or companion.

e.g. A boy identifying his friend to a group of people, 'This is my bredda (name)'

'Bare' - This is used to signify there is a lot of something.

e.g A boy talking about how many good-looking girls are at a party, 'There are bare bufftings here.'

'Bait' - Making something known and to also identify someone who is very popular/known.

e.g. 1, A girl trying to hid or conceal something which is standing out, such as a bruise would say to herself, 'I don't want this to look bait.'

e.g. 2, A person saying somebody is well known in an area, 'She's hella bait in North (London)'

'Butters' - This is used to signify something or someone is ugly or not good-looking.

e.g. A friend replying to the picture sent to her of somebody, 'Ew he's butters'

'Batch' - This is used to identify a certain group of friends.

e.g. Somebody talking about a persons group of friends. 'I swear that's x's batch?'

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