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'Ting/s' - This is more of a Carribbean way of saying 'things' but also has it other meaning such as a way to identify someone carrying something on them or to identify someones spouse, usually a girlfriend.

e.g. 1, "He's carrying a ting with him be careful my g."

e.g. 2, "That's x's ting still, you can't be chatting to her like that."

'Tight' - This is used to identify someone being in a sticky situation or problem.

e.g. A friend replying to their friend telling his friends how he got caught cheating on his girlfriend. "That's actually tight, what did she say when you talked to her?"

'Treck' - This is used to identify something as being far way or being long to do.

e.g. Someone being told to go to someones area which is 2 hours away when they're tiredt. "That's actually treck, you want me to leave my yard and drive for 2 hours?"

'Truss me' 'Trust me' - This is used by someone to also agree with what someone has said in conjuction to it having its universal meaning.

e.g. Someone agreeing with the FACTSS their friend is droping would reply to them by semi shouting 'TRUSS ME!" to show they fully follow and agree with the points being made.

'Tek time' - This literally means 'take your time' this could be used to tell someone to slow down.

e.g. A girl being hyped by her friends as she bruks it down on the dancefloor, "Tek time x!"

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