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'Safe' - This is used to say thank you to someone. This is usually used in a very casual and comfortable way.

e.g. A person who asked for a pen and got it from their friend would say 'Safe' as they took the pen from them to do their work.

'Shot' - This is also used to indicate someone is selling something, usually someone who is selling something on the low.

e.g. Someone who sells kitkats and snickers on the playground, 'Yeah x is shotting kitkats and snickers at break for 30p each."

'Switch' - This is used to indicate someone is getting to the verge of getting angry or extremely aggressive.

e.g. "You're pissing me off I'm gonna starting switching on you man."

'Sket' 'Slag' - This is another word used to identify a promiscuos person, usually used against sexually active females.

e.g. Someone 'warning' their friend that the girl he is talking to has had sex with multiple people. "Not gonna lie I heard she was a sket, them man from (a place) told me."

'Square' - This is used to not only identify a shape but it could also be used to indicate someone bank card.

e.g. Someone asking if anybody has bank card that they can use for something, "Who has a square I can use to pay for this?"

'Scatty' - This is used to explain someone who is all over the place and is just messy and scruffy.

e.g. "She's mad scatty."

'Sick' - This is also used to identify something is cool to someone.

e.g. Someone watching someone doing stunts. "Ayeee, that's so sick, how did they do that?"

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