Chapter Two

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My mom had me to camp by 10. I got out of the car and walked to the main cabin and signed in.

"Welcome back, Mrs. Barakat, Jack." The camp cousoler said.

"Jack's excited to be back." My mom said.

"That's great news! You will be in cabin 4, like always. You are with Zackary and a new boy named Alexander. To replace Rian." He said.

"Okay." I said pulling my suitcase handle out. I gave my mom a hug.

"Bye sweetie!" My mom said squeezing me.

"Bye mom, love you." I said.

"I love you too!" She said letting go. I walked out the door and down a dirt path into my cabin. I was the only one there. I sat my stuff on my bed. I got the top bunk every year. Zack slept in the single bed.


An hour passed. It gave me time to unpack everything. Luckily, I remided myself earlier that morning to pack underwear. I changed into my camp tee-shirt and my flip-flops. Alexander walked into the cabin with his mom.

"Are you sure this is it?" His mom said with an overwhelming British accent.

"Yes, mom, its okay. I'm good." He said to his mom with less of an accent. He hugged her and she left. I walked over to him.

"Hi, I'm Jack." I said reaching out to shake his hand. He shook my hand.

"I'm Alexan-" He stopped, "Alex." He smiled. He was adorable. He was British. He was perfect.

"Nice to meet you." I said. "I've been here many times, I'll help you out."

"Thank you." He said. "Which bed is mine?" He asked me.

"Any of them." I said trying to flirt with him, but failing.

"I'll take this one." He said putting his bag down on the bottom bunk.

"Do you need help unpacking?" I asked him.

"Sure, if you wanna." He said opening his bag. I pulled out the drawer on the dresser. He had a guitar case and a big bag.

"Do you play?" I asked him pointing to the guitar case.

"A little." He said, "Sorry, I'm awkward."

"Your not. Your okay." I said, "I play. I could help you out." He looked at me. "If you'd like it."

"I'd love it." He said emptying his bag into the drawer. He slid the guitar across the bed and sat down. "Sit." I did as he said. "Tell me about you."

"Okay, umh. My name is Jack Barakat, I'm 16. I have a sister and a brother who party, a lot. And I graduate next year." I said. Alex nodded.

"Where are you from?" He asked.

"Towson." I replied.

"Woah, me too. Well, Suburbia." Alex said. "I just moved from Essex, England, I'm 17 and an only child. My parents are super religious. And hate who I am."

"Why do they hate that?" I asked him.

"Well. I-" He paused, "I don't want to waste your time." I looked at him, "I'll tell you later." He said standing up.

"I'm gonna go check stuff out. Do you wanna go?" I asked him.

"Isn't there camp activites?" He asked.

"Not today." I told him.

"Okay." He took off his hoodie and put on his flip-flops.


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