Chapter Five

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"Please, please, please, don't tell my family!" I argued.

"Mr.Barakat, you and Mr. Gaskarth were out past curfew, I'm sorry." My counsoler said.

"It was the first time! It'll never happen again!" I pleaded, "Please." Alex sat on the edge of the dock. He was petrefied.

"No more, go to your cabin. I won't tell your parents." He said walking away.

"Thank you." I said turning back to Alex. He was standing up. "I am so sorry."

"Its okay." He said hugging me. We walked up the path to our cabin. Alex changed in his bed while I changed in the bathroom. "Sleep down here." He said moving over. I gave him a look. "Zack leaves before breakfast. I'll hide you." I laughed.

"Are you sure?" I asked him sitting down.

"Yes." He reasured. I sat beside him and covered up with his blanket. I grabbed my pillow that was hanging off my bed. "You're warm." Alex said holding onto me. I laid back and turned off his light.

"Good Night, baby." I kissed him.

"Good Night." He said curling up against me. He fell asleep in seconds. I rubbed his head until I passed out.


I woke up the next morning a little passed ten. Therefore I missed breakfast. Alex was still asleep. Camp activites started at 11. I got out of bed slowly and started to change. I sat back in Alex's bed. "Baby, we missed breakfast." I said kissing Alex while he was asleep. "Activies start in a half hour." Alex opened his eyes.

"I think I'm dying." Alex said rubbing his eyes, "I don't want to wake up."

"I'll kiss you if you get up." I said. He sat up quickly and kissed me.

"I'm putting on clothes..." Alex said walking over to the bathroom, "Stop looking at my ass."

"Fuck!" I laughed, "Its cute." Alex walked out of the bathroom and sat at our table.

"I'm starving." He complained.

"I have candy and dried fruit. Pick one." I said putting them on the table.

"Fruit." Alex said grabbing a handful. I did the same. We walked out of the door and started going toward the stage. We were doing boy vs girls sports until 1. At 1 they fed us. We were free until dinner then a fire at nine. The fire at nine was not required.

"I'm still hungry." I said to Alex.

"I'm sorry." Alex said shoving fruit in my mouth. He laughed.

"Eat." I said. We got to the stage and sat in the front row. "We don't have to play, we can just watch." I said pulling my phone out of my pocket.

"Give me your phone." Alex said poking my hand. I gave it to him. He started typing. He gave it back. He put himself in my phone as a contact:

Alexander William<3

"Awh." I said.

"I have a weird question." Alex blushed.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"Who does your blonde?" He asked me.

"I do it. I have to do it tomorrow night." I touched it.

"Can you help me dye mine?" He asked.

"I'd love too." I ran my fingers through his fringe. He smiled and pulled my hand away. A girl named Tay sat down beside us on the ground.

"Hey, Jack!" She said.

"Hey, how are you?" I asked.

"I'm great, you?" She replied.

"Okay... This is the new kid, Alex."

"Hi, Alex, I'm Taylor." She said, "Tay, for short."

"I've been friends with Tay, since we were 12." I told Alex.

"Nice to meet you." Alex said shaking Tay's hand.

"Are you two playing today?" She asked.

"I don't think." I said looking over to Alex. He shook his head, "No."

"I might." She said, "I'll see you later, I'm gonna go talk to some girls." She said standing up.

"Bye Tay!" I said watching her walk away.

"She seems nice." Alex said.

"She is, she sings." I told him.

"Stop it." Alex pushed me.

"Sorry, Lexy." I said trying to hold his hand.


At 1 we went back into the camping area to eat. We both ate peanut butter again. Alex and I walked back to our cabin. It started to storm. We saw Zack with a group of guys run into cabin 3 across from us. The fire would be canceled if it didnt stop raining.

"We're alone." Alex said getting a water from the package of water under his bed.

"You know what this means," I ran and jumped on him. I kissed him.

"Get off." Alex said kissing my neck.

"Love me." I bounced on his bed with my knees.

"I already do." Alex said, having no clue what I was getting at.

"Noooooo." I said leaning back.

"Jack." He laid over me, "I don't want to just yet."


"Take me on a sweet date and maybe." Alex winked. I paused for a few minutes.

"Later." I hugged him. "I have movies and my laptop, do you want to watch something?"

"Sure." He said. I climbed the ladder to my bed. I got a book full of dvds and my sticker covered laptop.

"Pick a movie." I said handing the book to him. Alex flipped through the book. He shrugged.

"Have you ever seen Home Alone?" I asked him.

"No." Alex replied.

"Its my favourite. Lets watch it." Alex smiled at me. I got out the first Home Alone and put it in my laptop. Alex and I sat back on his bed. I put my arm around his waist. He had his blanket thrown over him. I watched as it got worse and worse outside.


About an hour into the movie the power went off in our cabin. There was strong winds and a major storm. Alex was laying on me watching the movie. Yet, he was shaking.

"Are you scared, Lex?" I asked him. He nodded in fear. "Come here." I said opening my arms. He climbed into my arms. I hugged him.

"Is it normally this bad?" He asked me.

"Sometimes." I said, "Don't be scared."

"Jack...." He said, "What if it gets worse?"

"We'll stay right here." I said kissing him, "I'll keep you safe." He had tears in his eyes.

"I'm scared." He looked up att me. I wiped tears from his face.

"Please, Alex, trust me." I rubbed his arm with my thumb. He nodded. He hid his face in my chest. I saw the door open, the recreation director walked in.

"Boys, you need to go to the main shelter. Now!" He said to us. Alex sprung up.

"Jack!" He said shocked.

"I'll keep you safe, I promise you that!" I said running out the door holding Alex's hand.

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