Chapter 6

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Will's POV

"Who's India?" She asked me. Does she remember India?

"Um......she was your first horse you had. She was your horse when you were living in Texas." I said to her. She nodded.

"What exactly happened to her? I mean, how come she's not here with me?" She asked again. Uh oh.

"Um.....well, you see the ranch, it had caught fire and well, India wasn't very lucky," I said.

"Oh." She said back. She was staring at the ground. Dusty was staring at her.

"You know the feather, that was India's at first, then she gave it to Dusty," I said, trying to lighten the mood, but it didn't work. We heard tires and her dad came to get her. They climbed into the big truck and drove away. I sighed. This was going to take a lot longer than I thought.

~weeks later~

It's been weeks since Emily had lost her memory. We're all trying to help her, but she won't remember anything. Maybe I just got lucky when she asked me about India.

"Hey Will, you remember my cousin Chase right?" Sarah asked me. Chase Whitney. He came to the barn a while ago. Before Emily came. His horse was Wonder. Chase and I both have dyslexia, and I was able to help him handle it when Zoe and Chloe were being rude to him about it.

"Ya. Why?"

"Well, he's going to be here soon." She said. Right when she said that, the sound of tires came near.

"I'm back!!" I hear someone shout. I see Chase sticking his head out of a car's window. When it came to a stop, he climbed out and opened the horse trailer attached to the car, and his horse Wonder was standing there.

"Who's he?" Emily asked me. She was holding onto Dusty.

"I'm Chase. And who are you?" He said. Emily made a face. I saw the way he was staring at Emily. My stomach got a really bad feeling.

"This is Emily," I said. She made a face, saying that I was right.

"Nice to meet you, Emily." He said. Sarah helped him take Wonder to an open stall. Emily brought Dusty to his stall.


Dusty's POV

Emily brought me to my stall. This Chase dude helped her untack me. She smiled at him and walked away. Chase was staring at her.

"She's so pretty." He said. I snorted. This horse with a dark brown body, black mane and tail with green stripes looked to me. I remember this from earlier, but what is it with these horses and coloured stripes in their manes and tails? The boy walked out and it left all of us alone.

"How've you been Wonder?" Scarlet asked him. He looked to Scarlet

"Good." He said. He looked back at me. "Who are you and why did you do that to my rider?" He asked me. This is going to be good.

"Names Dusty. And your rider was checking out my rider. Two things the both of you should know. First thing, Emily lost her memory and doesn't remember anything, so he better not take advantage of that. Second thing, Will is her boyfriend." I said. He just stared at me. I smiled back. Oh, one other thing, if Chase hurts Emily, he's going to be facing me.

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