Chapter 16

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Emily's POV

I'm finally getting back in the saddle, for competition. After both of our accidents, we're both pretty nervous. I'm fine with the western riding and dressage. It's the show jumping is what I'm nervous about. Ever since I fell off of Dream, well you get the rest.

"Ready?" Will asked. I mounted onto Dusty.

"I'm ready," I replied. I took a deep breath.

"It's simple. All you have to do is jump that railing." He said. I kicked Dusty into a gallop. When we approached the jump, I pulled on the reins stopping him. I turned him back to the starting point. I got him back into a gallop. The same thing happened. This went on for hours. I got off of Dusty after the millionth attempt.

"Come on Emily, one more," Sarah said.

"No, ok." I snapped. She was going to say something, but Will stopped her. I brought Dusty to his stall and untacked him. I walked out and waited for dad.


Dusty's POV

She walked out. She was a mixture of angry, upset, stressed, and frustrated.

"Daddy, is Emily ok?" India asked me. I shook my head.

"She's been frustrated ever since her accident," I explained. She looked up to me.

"Will she be able to jump again?" She asked again.

"I don't know sweetie. I don't know." I answered.

"India, I think you should leave daddy alone. He also had a rough day." Scarlet said. India trotted over to her stall and went in there. It was late and I was tired. Knowing that tomorrow will be the same.

When I woke up, Emily came in and tacked me up for the day. We walked into the ring. She mounted onto me. She got me into a gallop and we approached the jump. At the final minute, she pulled on the reins, forcing me to stop. She puffed a sigh. We tried again and again. Every single one ended with her pulling on the reins.

"Come on Emily you got this," Bailey shouted. She got off of me.

"At least she didn't get the wind knock out of her," Molly said. Emily took off her helmet and threw it to the ground. I jumped in place and everyone stared at her.

"Guys leave us alone please," Will said. They all took their horses and went for a trail ride. Will walked into the ring. Emily was sitting on the ground with her face in her hands. Will squatted in front of her. He tried to pull her hands away, but she wouldn't let him. "Emily look at me." He said. Emily shook her head.

"I can't do it anymore. I lost my touch." She said. She would call it her touch when every time she jumped an obstacle, she would feel like she was flying, and it was just her and me. No one else.

"You'll get it back," Will said. Emily shook her head. I nudged her. Emily stood, more like sat her ground. India came running out of the barn. She came running into the ring, then she tripped and fell, but got back up and started running again. Will chuckled. He tried to remove her hands again. "Oh come on, just look at India." He said. Emily looked up. India was running laps. She kept tripping, but got up and kept going. I see where Will is going.

"What??" Emily asked. She sounded like she was ready to cry.

"Look at India." He said. India was still running and falling.

"What about her? She just keeps running and falling." Emily said. Will chuckled.

"Yes, but she gets back up and keeps going. Now you need to keep going even if it means that you fall off of Dusty while doing the jump." Will said. Emily smiled a little.

"How come I got lucky to get you?" She asked. Will shrugged. She got back up, picked up the helmet and mounted back onto me.

"India go over to Will," I said to her.

"Ok." She replied. She ran over to Will and stood next to him.

"Ok boy. It's just you and me, no one else." Emily said while rubbing my mane. "Let's go." She said. She kicked me into a gallop. We approached the jump. I heard her take a deep breath, then she made me jump. I landed on the other side. I looked to make sure Emily was still on my back.

"Daddy did it," India shouted. She reared up and swung her front leg. I felt Emily pat my side.

"Good boy." She said. She brought me back to the starting point and we did it again and again. Every time we did the jump and she stayed on my back.

"Ok, I think Dusty had enough of jumping," Will said. Emily got off of me and brought me back to my stall. India followed us and she layed down in my stall. Emily untacked me and gave me an apple.

"India, I got a treat for you too." She said. India looked up at her, and Emily had a carrot in her hand. India took it and ate it. Emily patted her and left.

"Daddy, I want a rider like Emily." Said India.

"I know you will get one. Now time for you to go to sleep." I said to her. She cuddled up to me and fell asleep. Everyone arrived really late.

"I swear, next time Zoe makes me walk through mud, she'll be walking through it herself," Pepper yelled.

"Hey, I have a sleeping child over here," I said to her.

"How is she?" Scarlet asked.

"She's fine. She spent the entire day watching Emily and me." I replied.

"Can Emily finally jump again?" Calypso asked. I nodded. I heard Button squeal.

"Now she can participate in the show jumping contest that this Saturday," Button exclaimed.

"WHAT?!" I shouted. I checked to make sure India was still asleep.

"Chloe and Zoe entered her in the competition. Sarah, Molly, Alma, and Bailey tried to stop them, but they were too late." Aztec explained.

"When did this happen?" I asked.

"A couple of weeks ago. I think when you were still at the vet's." Chili answered. Emily and I are dead meat.

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