Y'all Gotta Stop

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If you've read this book already (which I'm guessing you have), then you surely remember that, for the first 2 chapters of the book, Gerard is dating Lindsay.

I have gotten onto commenters about this before, but I will say it again: 👏 QUIT 👏 DISRESPECTING 👏 STRAIGHT 👏 PEOPLE

Seriously, if I have to see one more "ew hetero Gerard" comment on my book, I'm gonna mcfreakin' lose it.

Gerard, in this book, is biromantic. Frank is pansexual. This gives them both the potential to be in heterosexual and homosexual relationships, and if you can't deal with that, please look up the definition of 'bigot'. What would you do if you saw that kind of comment about a gay ship? You'd probably, understandably, be angry. So why is it ANY DIFFERENT when it's a straight couple?

I am a bisexual author who has been in straight and gay relationships, and I made the choice to have Gerard date Lindsay in the beginning because I wanted to. When you make those comments, you disrespect my writing and my creative decisions.

Learn some respect.

- Chase

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