Chapter 1

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David cursed under his breath as he climbed the stairs of the protective wall. He couldn't believe the Guild council voted, yet again, not to divert power to the defensive shield. He was sure that wasn't just a hopeful dream. But that's why he stood duty now instead of Darius. The landscape outside was so different. Most everything was dead, or dying. Old gnarled trees grew. Desolate lept to mind anytime he was up here.

"Greggory," David called out as he caught sight of his watch partner exiting the next tower over. They met in the middle. "I thought Darius said turret six."

Greggory rolled his eyes. "No, that's where you're meeting Sue for your watch tomorrow night."

David blushed, "Oh, yea."

"Where is Darius?" Greggory looked around just to make sure someone weren't pranking him. "Don't tell me you bet on another one of your dreams."

"You need to stop doubting the dreams of a seer! Besides, I won't interfere with your tech like he does. I think that's the only advantage I have over him."

Laughing, Greggory said, "Don't start on that again. Your magic is far better here, with me. I would take you as a recon partner anytime. Your dreaming will get better. You need to give it time."

"So what's the reason this time?" David asked morosely. He turned to look out at the hilly wastelands, the stunted trees and scrub giving the ground a scraggly pockmarked and dreary look. Turning he leaned against the rail.

"It was your guild," Greggory said, joining David. "Something about the mages needing power for some new thing that will save the planet."

"Son of a bitch!" David growled. He took a deep breath and continued normally, "That's why Darius was so eager to take that bet."

An explosion rocked the wall cutting off Greggory's response. They both turned as a second detonation shook the wall. Greggory initiated his scanner, and David cast a divination. They both pinpointed the bio-mech at the same time. It stood in a valley between two hills. Its body appeared human, but it had two sets of arms, and walked on eight legs that ended in points. David called out to Greggory to save his munitions and hurled lightening at the cyborg.

He watched in dismay as the lightening splintered in front, harmlessly striking the gnarled trees around it.

"What just happened?" David gasped. "That was an arcane shield." Nodding to Greggory, he said, "It's your turn, technocrat."

Greggory pulled up his weapon and sighted his target, slowly squeezing the trigger. Through the scope, Greggory saw a flare as the bullet struck the thing's shield and the thing stagger when the bullet plunged into the cyborg's chest. A second later, it blew apart as the bullet bomb activated.

"Squad five-six, report." Their communicators squawked.

David activated his and reported the action.

"Request confirmation that an arcane shield protected the bio-mech." Greggory's communicator squawked. He activated it and replied, "Data record is being transmitted. Visual confirmation on the arcane shield."

"Acknowledged." The signal terminated and Greggory and David looked at each other and shrugged.

The rest of their patrol passed quietly. A few mutated animals passed the wall, but no other threats.

David bid Greggory farewell and they went their separate ways at the foot of tower five. As he walked along, David marveled at the difference between the town and the desolate waste-land outside the walls. He was so lost in thought he didn't see the crowd that gathered in front of his house until someone called his name.

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