Chapter 6

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David opened his eyes frowning. "Why aren't I tired?" He mused out loud. He considered everything that happened since the start of this adventure, and again shook his head, amazed at how energized he felt.

"The reason you do not feel tired is very simple." Annie replied.

David shivered, still unnerved that a computer could sound so ... human. "Are you going to share, or keep me in suspense?" David asked, drumming his fingers against the table.

"Perhaps I should schedule you for an examination, Henos. After all, you were the one to develop the neural interface you are currently using."

The wall across from David turned transparent before slipping into translucency. He watched as an image formed, of him!

David watch himself, no, not himself, this Henos person building something. It looked vaguely like a helmet with wires sticking out of it, connected to a large box that David assumed must be some kind of computer. He learned about them in school. All the children of Haven had the same education. The Guild Council said it was to preserve all knowledge, but David knew better now. All of his educators told him the same thing. He would make a fine technologist, at least until his magic appeared.

A gasp brought his attention back to the video playing. Henos was jumping up and down, his face beaming as he yelled excitedly.

David heard a voice, but not with his ears. "The neural interface allows us to communicate. I still don't know why it did not work with others. I have been examining these results as well as those of others who tried."

David shook his head, blinking away tears. "That was a little loud. Can you turn the volume down?"

"I apologize. I will monitor my voice level more carefully."

"Thank you Annie. What do you mean about the others?"

"I really must insist that you undergo an examination, Henos. After your initial success, you tested our neural interface on others — no one else was able to establish a neural link, or transfer knowledge like you did."

Ignoring the request for an exam, David latched on to the rest of what she said. "Explain Annie."

"Is that an order, Henos?"

"Yes! Tell me about the failures, and anything you have uncovered in your analyses."

David resisted the urge to laugh at the petulance this amazing A.I. managed to include in her tone. "Very well, Dr. Alexander."

David choked, was Henos Alexander his ancestor?

"The summary of my analysis is simple. You have an anomalous brain. That is what allows you to use the neural link when no one else can."

"How? Why? What's so special about my brain?" Silence greeted David's question. He waited patiently for the computer to answer. "Annie? Are you still there?"

"Yes Dr. Alexander. I am trying to find the words to supply a useful answer."

Silence again, this time it stretched far beyond a pregnant pause. "Instead of that, tell me what happened?"

"Very well. Each time I attempted to isolate and quantify the difference, the machinery I used would explode. I have come to the conclusion that your gift and."

David could hear the hesitation in her voice. "Go on," he encouraged.

"Our interface is unique due to an anomaly in your brain. Your brain emits an energistic wavelength that can neither be analyzed nor quantified. It is this wavelength that activates the neural link."

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