Chapter 9

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David looked around, confused about where he was, until the shimmer of Sue's golden hair caught his attention . He sighed wondering when his life turned into bedroom bingo. She was sleeping so peacefully; he didn't want to wake her. So he slipped out of bed, grabbing the robe lying on the chest.

Near the front of the tent, David heard footsteps behind him. He turned, holding his breath.

"Going somewhere?" The growl in Scorese's voice made him pause. He swallowed hard checking Scorese out.

David's cheeks grew warm as his eyes met Scorese's, he mumbled, "I woke up and didn't want to wake anyone else. So I figured I would take a walk."

Scorese grinned. "Then I will join you." He stepped forward, draping an arm around David as they slipped outside.

All of David's fears and concerns evaporated as they walked along, one eye on the starry sky, and one eye on the path toward the edge of the camp. Outside the final ring of tents, the darkness increased, only to be chased into shadows as the moon rose.

They sat in the center between the edge of the encampment and the wooded area beyond.

"I climbed to the roof of the hall almost every night. I yearned for the peace I sensed in the moon and the stars. I could let go of anything that was bothering me." David patted what passed for grass in the outlands. "Though I think maybe the slate roof was more comfortable."

"And now, here, with you? I feel safe too." David turned, looking up at Scorese, admiring the rugged line of his jaw, scruffy now with a day's growth. His sky-blue eyes practically glowed in the moonlight.

Scorese wrapped his arms around David, then kissed the top of his head.

"Now, about what you called out?"

David sighed. "It was the weirdest dream." He looked away, unable to continue eye contact. His shoulders slumped as he began to pull away. "I, I don't want to talk about it."

"You fear the upcoming choice."

Scorese's flat tone froze David to the core. He reached up, tentatively cupping Scorese's cheek.

"You know about my choice?"

Scorese nodded. "The mind witch showed you the argument I had with Henos, shortly before—"

He lowered his head, closing his eyes.

And everything fell into place for David. He knew what he needed to do. Quickly he told Scorese everything about his voyage into the past.

"Orion, eh? I think he might have liked that nickname." Scorese frowned. "But haven't I heard you called Orion?"

"It's not ... a kind name. The seers learn quickly not to share their dreams and visions. Well, most did, anyway."

David sneezed, banging his head against Scorese's.

"Oh jeez. I'm sorry!" They said at the same time. Finally recovered, Scorese took a deep breath. "I'm not sure I could top that and remain conscious."

"This is why I love you." David's eyes grew wide, and his cheeks warmed as he realized what he said.

Scorese reached out, brushing David's hair away from his face. "I love you, too." He lowered his head as David rose, the lips meeting, parting. Their tongues danced in each other's mouths, each enjoying the taste of the other as time stood still. Literally. Nothing moved, including Scorese.

David pulled back. Scorese's arms gave way as he extracted himself from the man's embrace.

David stood, looking around, wondering ... What the hell did I do now?

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