Chapter 2

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"After reviewing the mage's memories, we have concluded that the shielding was not arcane in nature" Scorese stated.

"The technology guild scanners detected magic surrounding the bio-mech. Since the shield deflected the mana bolt, it had to be an arcane shield." Sayalin countered. "Personal shielding tech simply doesn't exist. So it had to be an arcane spell. Our scanners did not detect another lifeform, so the spell had to have been powered by the bio-mech."

Scorese looked at her with disdain. "My dear guild master of technology, why don't you leave the magic to real mages. Stick to what you do best, tech." He turned and faced the governor, "The tech must be flawed. There was no arcane shield emanating from the bio-mech."

The governor focused on Sayelin. "Did you run a diagnostic on the scanners?"

Sayalin smirked at the question, "Of course we did. Both on sentry's equipment and the wall scanner. Both are operating at peak efficiency." She glared at Scorese and sniffed, "Its a pity the same can not be said for your mage."

"Then why do my mage's memories not show the arcane shield?"

"Perhaps your mage couldn't deal with my tech's electronics?" Sayalin replied.

"Enough, both of you," the governor said rapping his gavel on the table. "I don't care whose information is correct, the fact is the bio-mechs have a new weapon is what concerns me. Whether it is arcane or tech, it's still a threat."

A short thin man with beady, almost black eyes stood, and waited for the governor's acknowledgement. When it came, he said in a reedy voice, "The Assassins' guild has already sent a party out to gather the remains of the bio-mech. We lay claim to any metal for salvage." He leered at Scorese and Sayalin, "after appropriate examination has taken place."

"Very well, salvage rights are awarded to the Assassins' guild." Both Scorese and Sayalin yelled over top of each other voicing their concerns as the governor hit the table with his gavel trying to regain control of the meeting.

"Enough. Sayalin, you say the metal should be your because you took the kill. Scorese, you don't have a leg to stand on. Your mage did not make the kill, and in fact, is the primary cause of this session." He glared at Sayalin as she smirked at Scorese's misfortune. "If you had wanted to claim salvage, you should have sent a crew to retrieve the bio-mech." He smiled maliciously at Sayalin, "unless of course, you would like to call a guild challenge for the right to the salvage?" Secretly, the governor hoped that she would say yes. If the council voted against her, she would have to pay reparations to the assassins equal to the value of the salvage.

Sayalin scowled at the governor, "This goes against previous council decisions. My guild member killed the bio-mech, my guild should reap the benefits."

"Well, seeing as how your guild left it for scavengers, instead of sending out a retrieval unit." The governor raised an eyebrow. "How can you expect the Assassin guild to assume all the risk, with no reward?"

"We still used resources! We need to be compensated!" She raged.

"Fine", the governor bellowed silencing Sayalin. Turning to the Assassin Guild Master, the governor said, "Please make sure to allocate sufficient resources to compensate Ms. Bayers guild for the single shot they used." The Assasin guild master nodded all the while smiling venomously at Sayalin.

Sayalin' s face turned bright red as she struggled to control her anger at the governor's insult. "May I remind the council that the technology guild must first study any tech brought in to the city?"

"Very well. You will have three days to review the tech. If you find something we will extend the time. If there are no further comments." The governor looked around, and was met with silence. "Very well, next item is power for the shield generator."

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