Fake Love

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Jungkook POV:

Ok Jungkook don't panic. Ok OK Ok OK PANIC!!!! So yeah i was sitting right next to Taehyung and yes he had his Hand on my thigh. BUT he didn't just let his Hand there, no his hand wandered up and is now between my legs. Yeah right on my hard dick. I swear i could kill him right now. And he is just talking innocently with my Mom about how good her food is. This little-

"Jungkook sweety you didn't even touched your food are you alright?" My Mom asked me and caught me off guard. 

"Uh yeah Mom i'm alright. Just not that big of a appetite right now..."  I could feel the hotness on my cheeks. Of course we didn't tell my parents what this whole thing really was. For them we are legit dating. To be honest, maybe that's the reason why I like being around then when Tae is here. 

Well if he wouldn't grab my dick under the table that is. I mean i have definitely noting against Taehyung touching me. Oh god no! But not with my parents in the same room. Even when the only time i can openly say that he is mine, is with my parents. 

"He is probably still full from brunch with Jin and the others." I heard Taehyung saying as he gently massaged the outline of my cock in my pants. I froze completely. He was taking to my dad about something but i couldn't hear anything. The only thing i could hear were my heartbeat and the blood that was rushing through my ears. When my Mom let out a loud laugh Taehyung's grip around my dick got stronger. I arched my back and looked down, to hide my face, while biting on my bottom lip. 

"Jungkook-ah~ are you alright?" Taehyung asked me with his stupid smirk on his face. When looked up to glare at him he snickered at me. 

"I hate you..." I said pounting. 

My parents just giggled at us being 'cute'. If they would know what's going on under the table they wouldn't think we we're cute. 

I could just say what's going on and put the blame on him but-

"Yeah Yeah, Jungkookie~ I love you too~" 




My heart was beating so fast and loud i thought everyone would hear. I could feel myself blushing, so i turned away from Taehyung to hide my face. 

Oh my God did he just said I love you?! I know it's just for show but those words meant the world to me. I felt how his hand went away from my dick to hold my hand under the table. Oh god why does he have to be such a sweetheart all of a sudden?! That doesn't makes it easier to remember that it's all fake. Well...the Love part at least. 

"Hey Kookie are you okay?" Taehyung said while squeezing my hand and turning my face to him. I looked at him, still blushing. His eyes looked so soft and full of...love. Probably fake love though. I sighed and nodded. But i didn't let go of his hand. The erection in my pants wasn't completely gone, but it seems like he sensed that I'm not in the mood anymore. 

Don't understand me wrong. I can't be mad at him for not truly loving me. Of course not. But i still want him to say it. I don't know why but, i think when he says i love you often then i feel more safe about crying after him when he's gone. I know he promised me he would stay with me but...i just know that he is going to leave. I'm already to obviously about my little crush on him. 

But maybe when i show him that i could give him everything...is he going to stay then? Can i turn our fake love into true love? 

I keep thinking about stuff and didn't even noticed the worried expressions on the faces of the people around me. Taehyung never let go of my hand. Not once while everyone except me was eating, and not while he lead me up the stairs with my half full plate in the other hand. 

I just snapped back into reality when the door to my room closed and i was alone with him again. 

"Come on you need to eat something okay?" 

I took the food and shoved everything into my mouth. I was hungry before but...well i thing everybody knows why i didn't ate earlier. When my plate was empty i placed it on my desk and threw myself onto the bed. 

"Ahh that was good" I sighed and closed my eyes. I heard Taehyung chuckle and laying on his stomach beside me. 

"Hey, you seemed pretty distracted earlier. You sure you are okay?" 

I smiled at him. "Yeah I'm sure. Don't worry." Then my smile turned into a smirk as i noticed the very interesting position Tae was in. Without a word i jumped onto his back and attacked his sides with my hands. He screamed and laughed, wiggling around and trying to escape. The only thing that he managed to do was turning around. But that wasn't something he should have done. I was now sitting on his hips while still tickling his sides. 

When he finally got my Hands in his grasp i started laughing, while Tae was desperately inhaling for air. When he looked up at me i leaned down  to connect our lips. 

It was just a light peck, nothing sexual at all. And layed on his stomach, Arms crossed over his chest my head resting on top of my arms, and looked at him. I just smiled at him and cuddled up to him. I didn't look him in the eyes anymore but he didn't stopped me from throwing the covers over us. 

I fell asleep a little while after that...with just one thought in my head. Please fall for me Kim Taehyung, so i don't have to accept just your fake love. 

I want your true love instead... 

Short update but at least there is one! Don't forget to Vote! And thank you so much for over 200 reads omg!!! 

See ya next time ^^ 

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