Chapter 19

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"The gun." Sherlock squeezed Kat's hand again and the cabbie pulls the trigger.

Kat closed her eyes, scrunched up her face, and unconsciously leaned towards Sherlock turning her head and just waiting for the bullet to hit her. The gun did not shoot a bullet, however, instead it just lit a small flame. Kat, realizing that she didn't feel any pain, slowly opened one eye. When she saw the tiny flame sticking out of the gun, she released a breath she hadn't realized she was holding. "I know a real gun when I see one." Sherlock replies with a smile. He squeezed Kat's hand once more as a reassurance and then let go as the two of them stood up.

"None of the others did." The cabbie tells them smiling at Sherlock's genius.

"Clearly." Sherlock replies with a tight lipped smile and rolling his eyes.

"However, you are a Detective who carries a gun," The cabbie adds turning and pointing at the blonde detective. "Why didn't you?"

"I was acting obviously." Kat says really quickly. Underneath the table Sherlock notices how she was rubbing her free hand against her pant legs as if wiping off sweat. "You're a dying man, it was my parting gift to you."

"Well, this has been very interesting." Sherlock says slowly with a small smile as he stands up. He pulls Kat up with him as the two of them are still holding hands. "I look forward to the court case."

"Just before you go, did you figure it out?" The cabbie asks Sherlock making him and Kat stop in their tracks. "Which one's the good bottle?"

"Course. Child's play." Sherlock replies cockily without hesitating.

"Well, which one, then? Which one would you have picked? Just so I know whether I could have beaten you." The cabbie questions. "Come on!" He goads with an evil smirk. "Play the game." He persuades.

Sherlock hesitated, not really needing, or wanting, to play his stupid game. "Let me give you a little more incentive." The cabbie says standing up and pulling out another, very real, gun and points it at Kat. Sherlock stops in his tracks and puts his hands up and letting go of Kt's hand in the process.

"Fine." Sherlock snaps slowly grabbing a bottle then going over to stand next to Kat, except Sherlock stands slightly in front of her so if he needed to jump in her way he could. This small unconscious action really confuses Sherlock: Why would he be willing to take a bullet for this blonde women that he just met? "There's no need to shoot anybody." He tells the cabbie.

"I bet your get bored, don't you?" The cabbie asks. "I know you do. A man like you, so clever, could get bored so easily. But what's the point of being clever if you can't prove it?" He pauses as Sherlock holds the pill bottle up to his eye to examine it more closely. "Still the addict. But this, this is what you're really addicted to." Sherlock takes the pill out of the bottle and lifts it up to the light examining it. "You'll do anything anything at all, to stop being bored. You're not bored now, are ya? Isn't it good?"

Suddenly, right before Sherlock was going to eat the pill, there was a gun shot. "Katherine!" Sherlock quickly turns to his new blonde friend and checks to see if she was okay. He walks over to her and spins her around back and forth checking for bullet holes.

"Sherlock, I'm fine." Kat assures him with a reassuring smile after feeling and looking down at her stomach and chest too. He then walks over and looks through the hole in the window that the bullet came through.

"Kat, call Lestrade." Sherlock tells her. Kat nods and pulls out her phone.

"Was I right? I was, wasn't I?" Sherlock snaps as he walked back over to the dying man. "Did I get it right?" He throws the pill down at the man in anger as the cabbie remains silent. "Okay, tell me this: Your sponsor. Who was it?" Sherlock tries a different approach. "The one who told you about me, my fan." He mocks. "I want a name."

Kat Got Your Tongue? (Sherlock X OC) ~BOOK 1~Where stories live. Discover now