Chapter 28

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A/N - I am so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry that I didn't post a chapter on Sunday. I have had a crazy week preparing for school and work, but still that is no excuse because I promise a chapter every Sunday, so to make up for my accidental negligence, I am giving you guys TWO chapters!!! And....... some cute Katlock fluff for you all!!!

Here are my weekly dedications: Thank you to @AuroraDeLuc804 @Annagamergirl9 @MarionLouvet @ReginaWeasley-Potter @MyCookiemonster95 @Beckieq1988 @AliCarvelli @SallyDonovan @Emidream31 @FereliCooper @MeguelineMaraschim @zestyfan @FANDOM_GEEK_13 @BlackLazureSea @SC1129 @ManuMaske @StarConstant13@unofficialmidget for all of your voting and commenting and love that you are showing me!! It means the world to me!!!!

Much love to you all!!!

Kisses -K


Sherlock was knocked out of his train of thought when he heard screaming coming from Kat's room. He quickly got up and rushed in, only to find the girl asleep and thrashing about in her bed, tangled up in her sheets. He walked over to her and shook her awake.

"Kat. Kat. Katherine!" He yells shaking her and she finally wakes up in tears. She struggles to throw the blanket off of herself and she starts frantically scratching at her arms and rubbing at her wrists as if something had cut into them. Sherlock can tell that there are slight scars visible in those places if you look closely.

"Get them off! Get them off of me!" The blonde yells and Sherlock has to grab her wrists to keep her from hurting herself some more.

"Katherine," Sherlock soothes her and pulling her into a hug. "There's nothing on you, okay? I promise. It was just a dream." After a few minutes of Sherlock rubbing soothing circles into her back she calms down. "Do you want to talk about it?" He asks her gently but her head snaps up aggressively.

"No, I don't want to talk about it, just, just leave please." She snaps and Sherlock, surprised at her hash tone, quickly leaves and resumes his place on the couch. The detective tried to think about the case, but all that is on his mind is how scared he got when he heard her scream. He seriously thought that she was hurt and all he could think of was "oh god, please not her."

Sherlock was also confused at where his burst of comforting came from. He was not known to be a very sympathetic person because he doesn't know how. But when it involves Katherine, it's like all of those human feelings appear and become second nature to him. He doesn't even need to think about what to do, he just does it.

The sound of a door opening knocks the curly haired man out of his reverie and he looks up to see Kat, her face and eyes puffy from crying.

"I'm, uh, I'm really sorry for how I snapped at you back there." She apologizes, sniffling a little. "You were just being really sweet and trying to help and I was so rude to you and you didn't deserve it at all. Especially because you have always been so nice to me." She walks over to him and sits next to him on the couch and looks down at her hands as she plays with her fingers.

"The thing is," She starts again. "I would really like to talk about it, you just kind of took me off guard. I mean, I've never actually told anybody about my night terrors before much less let anybody see me during one and I just," Kat takes a deep breath to calm down.

"Hey, it's okay." Sherlock says before she can finish. "I just only asked because, well, I don't mean to pry, but I know how you don't get much sleep and I know that when you do, it's not very well. I can tell by the dark bags under your eyes that you try so had to cover up with makeup that you don't need." Sherlock takes a deep breath himself to gather his thoughts. "You've, just uh, never been this, uh, loud before and you just really startled me, is all. And I'm here if you ever want to talk about it."

Kat Got Your Tongue? (Sherlock X OC) ~BOOK 1~Where stories live. Discover now