Chapter 37

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In case you didn't read this from the last chapter, here it is again. Enjoy the update.

A/N - Hey guys, I am so so so so so so so so sooooooooooooo sorry that I didn't update like at all the past two weeks. I just came back from spending some time with my best friend at her river house in the mountains and, in case you didn't know, the mountains DO NOT have service (and not really any good Wi-Fi either). I tried to update but it never went through. I did have a lot of time to write so I got through two and a half chapters. I am going to post both completed chapters for you guys right now and hopefully I will have the third one finished soon and I will publish it as soon as its done to make up for lost time. If I don't end up finishing it by the end of the week, however, I will be giving you guys two chapters when I post again next Sunday.

And now for my dedications to my very loyal readers who are still here despite me and my weirdness!! Thank you to... @nightfury_2005 @Alex_Lyra @Theoptimistic123 @MeguelineMaraschim @redandblackbarrys @mia-jane1024 @Saphire2102 @MBG202 @Mycookiemonster95 @AuroraDeLuca804 @grande55 @_ohheyisabella_ @EmmelineGRWeasley @athenawinchester_x @Khaleesi_katherine I love you all muchly!!!!!

Enjoy the double update,

Kisses -K


The place that Kat and Sherlock have found themselves in, was full of costumes and props and other things of the sort.

"Ladies and gentlemen," They hear a delicate accented voice say from behind the curtain. "From the distant moonlight shores of the Yangtze River, we present for your pleasure the deadly Chinese bird-spider."

Sherlock and Kat peak their head through the curtain and sure enough there is an athletic but small man swinging around on two pieces of red silk that is hanging from the ceiling.

"Well, well." Sherlock says in a pleased voice.

"The Spider." Kat breathes out when suddenly a door opens. The two of them hide behind some clothing racks. Sherlock peaks his head over and sees the women from the show grab something from a dressing table but he accidently knocks a hanger and it clicks a little and he has to duck as she looks over in their direction. After a few seconds they head a door open and close again indicating that she left the room.

"Sherlock, look." Kat point out and he looks at when she has found. At Kat's feet there is a black duffle bag filled with spray paint cans. Spray paint cans with yellow residue on the nozzle that looks exactly like the one they found by the train tracks.

"Found you." He says and steps out from behind the rack and sprays the paint on the mirror and it is an exact match. Suddenly, there is movement from behind Kat and Sherlock as, what they thought was a mannequin, begins to move. He begins to swing at them with a knife and Kat and Sherlock fight with him.

Kat and Sherlock were fighting the man when suddenly Kat lets out a small laugh. "This feels familiar." She tells Sherlock with a laugh and Sherlock nods his head in agreement before ducking as the sword nearly missed his head. The fight the two of them are in right now is almost exactly like what happened with that guy who came to them about the Jaria Diamond case right before they got this one.

Sherlock then gets an idea and grabs a can of the yellow paint and sprays it into their assailants eyes. The man suddenly jumps up and kicks Sherlock in the chest sending him flying through the curtain and onto the stage in the middle of the show. Everybody gasps as Sherlock comes into view and then some scream when they see Kat come from behind the curtain and jump onto the man's back.

The man grabs her and flips her over his back and flat onto the ground causing her to lose her breath. She sits there gasping when she see's John try to take a hit at the man but fail when suddenly, Sarah comes into view with a large stick as she hits the man in the head stunning him.

Kat Got Your Tongue? (Sherlock X OC) ~BOOK 1~Where stories live. Discover now