Chapter 50

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A/N - Happy Sherlock Sunday my lovelies!!!!! There is a little bit of Katlock fluff in here but not very much... sorry. I'm going to try to give you guys another special update tomorrow because it is a national holiday. I want to thank each and every one of you guys who commented and voted on my chapters, I really love hearing what you all have to say. And on to my weekly dedications...

@tea_and_sherlock @kris_ty_na @ahtenaismona @Alex_Lyra @MBG202 @thrillofbooks @clarymorgenstern @Saphire2102 @mia-jane1024 @GillianAqua @Theoptimistic123 @Meguelinearaschim @BlackLazureSea @AnnabelleHallowthorn @Rielleswonderland @astribd14 @isabelladoespatins @AnimeLV @missquinn02 @Joawesomeness @abb1120 @zestyfan

As always thank you for all of your support and I hope you continue to vote and comment!!!

Enjoy the chapter, love you muchly, Kisses - K


John walks over having heard the whole conversation with Ian Monkford's wife. "Why did you lie to her?" He asks.

"People don't like telling you things." Sherlock explains. "They love to contradict you. Past tense, did you notice?"

"Sorry, what?" John asks confused. Kat wasn't listening to anything, her mind was focused on her latest message.

"Two-faced," She whispers.

"I referred to her husband in the past tense. She joined in. Bit premature. They've only just found the car." Sherlock continues.

"You think she murdered her husband." John states.

Kat's still not listening. "Roman mythology,"

Sherlock smiles a little at Mrs. Monkford's fumble. "Definitely not. That's not a mistake a murderer would make."

"I see-" John tries but he changes his mind. "No, I don't. What am I seeing?" Sherlock doesn't answer, instead he begins to walk away from the crime scene.

"Fishing." Donovan tries to call after John, who ignores her. "Try fishing."

"Where now?" Watson asks Sherlock.

"Janus Cars." Sherlock replies holding up a business card. "Just found this in the glove compartment."


"Can't see how I can help you gentlemen." Mr. Ewart of Janus Cars tells the detectives when they arrive. Sherlock and John are speaking to him while Kat stays in the back lost in her own mind, not paying much attention to the things around her.

"Mr. Monkford hired the car from you yesterday." Sherlock states.

Ewart smiles. "Yeah, lovely motor. Mazda RX8. Wouldn't mind one of them myself."

Sherlock points to a picture of a car behind Mr. Ewart. "Is that one?" He asks and Ewart has to turn to look at it. Sherlock walks a little closer to him and looks at him closely before stepping away.

"No," He hold back a laugh at Sherlock's ignorance. "They're all Jags. I can see you're not a car man, eh!"

"Oh," Kat mumbles to herself trying to figure it out. "Janus of Roman mythology, he was the god of beginnings and transitions. Umm, doors, passages, endings." No one was listening to her, but if they were, the blonde would sound crazy because she wasn't making much sense. "Looks toward the future and the past... Oh! Two-faced. The god with two faces. But what does that have to do with this case?"

"But surely you can afford one, a Mazda, I mean." Sherlock asks.

The man smiles a little uncomfortably and scratches at his upper left arm. "Yeah, that's a fair point. You know how it is. It's like working in a sweet shop. Once you start picking up the Liquorice all sorts, when does it all stop, eh?"

Kat Got Your Tongue? (Sherlock X OC) ~BOOK 1~Where stories live. Discover now