Chapter 34

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A/N - I am soooooo sorry that I am two days late in posting this chapter. I feel horrible but I have been SWAMPED with rehearsals as well as my classes and having to take tests and write long ass essays. I have literally gotten a total of 8 hours of sleep in the past two days so that feels great (*note the sarcasm*). Anyways I took a two hour power nap and then just cranked out this chapter for you guys so I hope you enjoy!

Now, on to my weekly dedications......... THANK YOU to @Alex_Lyra @MeguelineMaraschim @AuroraDeLuca804 @MyCookiemonster95 @FANDOM_GEEK_13 @mia-jane1024 @shadownightgla @SallyDonovan @CourtneyHartman @@_ohheyisabella_ @Laissy-chan @MageVicky @goldendragon19 @SenniGirl and most especially..........

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to @geekyteabags Without fail, every time I would get onto my phone there is either a comment or a vote from you (sometimes both) and it always made me smile (especially your comments).

Love you all muchly,

Kisses -K


The three of them went home but came back to the museum right before closing: Sherlock had a plan. They waited and waited and then suddenly, they saw movement in the dark. Soo Lin had another tea pot and was making tea to preserve the pot.

"Fancy a biscuit with that?" Sherlock questions surprising her and causing her to turn and drop the pot. Luckily for them all, Sherlock's reflexes allowed him to catch the pot before it hit the floor and shattered. "Centuries old, don't want to break that." He straightens up and hands her the pot back while Kat turns on the lights. "Hello."

"You saw the cipher." Soo Lin tells them. "Then you know he is coming for me."

"You've been clever to avoid him so far." Kat tells her with a reassuring smile.

"I had to finish, to finish this work. It's only a matter of time. I know he will find me." Soo Lin says sadly.

"Who is he?" Sherlock asks her. "Have you met him before?"

Soo Lin nods her head. "When I was a girl, living back in China. I recognise his..." She pauses trying to find the right word. "Signature."

"The cipher."

"Only he would do this. Zhi Zhu." She tells us his name.

"Zhi Zhu?" John questions confused.

"The Spider." Sherlock supplies and Soo Lin looks impressed. She begins to take off her shoe and show them her heel. On the bottom of her foot, there is a tattoo that looks exactly like the black lotus origami that have been peppered all over this case.

"You know this mark?" She asks.

"Yes. It's the mark of a Tong." The curly haired detective replies.

"Hmm?" John mumbles confused.

"Ancient crime syndicate based in China." Sherlock explains for Kat and John.

"Every foot soldier bears the mark; everyone who hauls for them." Soo Lin says, putting her shoe back on.

"Hauls?" Kat asks then the pieces fall into place. "Y-you mean you were a smuggler?"

Soo Lin looks down ashamed for herself. "I was fifteen. My parents were dead. I had no livelihood; no way of surviving day to day except to work for the bosses."

"Who are they?" Sherlock questions.

"They are called the Black Lotus." She replies and Kat nods her head. That explains the lotus flower origamis, Kat thinks. "By the time I was sixteen, I was taking thousands of pounds' worth of drugs across the border into Hong Kong. But I managed to leave that life behind me. I came to England. They gave me a job here. Everything was good; a new life."

"Then he came looking for you." Kat says.

"Yes. I had hoped after five years maybe they would have forgotten me, but they never really let you leave." Soo Lin's voice begins to break with the sadness she is feeling. Kat discreetly wipes away a tear she shed for the poor girl hoping that John or Sherlock wouldn't see her, but Sherlock sees it out of the corner of his eye.

"A small community like ours; they are never very far away." Soo Lin takes her hands and wipes the tears that fell onto her cheeks. "He came to my flat. He asked me to help him to track down something that was stolen." By the end of her story Kat takes a quick glance over to Sherlock and she can see sadness in his eyes too; that he truly felt for this girl and what she is going through.

"And you've no idea what it was?" John asks hoping that she could fill in out missing puzzle piece.

Soo Lin shakes her head lightly. "I refused to help."

"So you knew him well when you were living back in China?" Kat questions trying to get the facts straight.

"Oh yes." Soo Lin nods her head. "He's my brother." Kat closes her eyes. A sibling. That hits the blonde detective very close to home. "Two orphans. We had no choice. We could work for the Black Lotus, or starve on the streets like beggars. My brother has become their puppet, in the power of the one they call Shan: the Black Lotus general. I turned my brother away." She explains. "He said I had betrayed him. Next day I came to work and the cipher was waiting." Another tear rolls down her cheek.

Holmes pulls out the images of the cipher they took with them. "Can you decipher these?" He asks

"These are numbers." She tells him.

"Yes, I know." Sherlock replies.

Soo Lin points to the image. "Here: the line across the man's eyes, it's the Chinese number one."

"And this one is fifteen. But what's the code?" The curly haired detective pushes with slight urgency.

"All the smugglers know it. It's based upon a book..." Soo Lin starts to say but the sound of a large thud interrupts her. "He's here." She gasps. "Zhi Zhu. He has found me."

"Sh-Sherlock. Sherlock, wait!" John yells as Sherlock grabs all of them and tries to hide them. "Come here. Get in. Get in!" Watson tells Soo Lin and she gets into this metal grate in the wall.

Sherlock and Kat run back out, Kat pulling out her gun. The two of them stand back to back as they look around the room for The Spider. If the situation wasn't so urgent, Kat would have laughed at the idea of her drawing her gun for a spider. Suddenly a shot is fired from Sherlock's direction and the two of them duck and run out of the way. Kat points her gun in the direction of the hooded figure on the upper floor and fires a few shots but he moves too quickly and she misses him.

"Damn it." She mumbles. The two of them continue firing at each other as the man continues chasing them.

Sherlock and Kat run into a room filled with glass walls of skulls and the man is still firing. The two of them hide with their backs against a wall.

"Careful!" Holmes yells out to the man as he shoots again. "Some of those skulls are over two hundred thousand years old! Have a bit of respect!" The two of them wait for more shots but they hear nothing. "Thank you!" He yells out surprised but then he realizes it's quiet: too quiet.

Kat holds out her gun and peers around the corner to see if the man was still there but he wasn't.

"Damn it, he's gone." Kat groans and the two of them make their way back to Soo Lin.

It's quiet for a while with only the sound of Kat's and Sherlock's running footsteps and their breathing in the area. Suddenly, a single gunshot echoes throughout the museum.

"Oh god." Kat groans as her free hand flies to her mouth, her eyes filling with tears again. She knows what that single gunshot means: Soo Lin is dead and they failed to save her.


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Kat Got Your Tongue? (Sherlock X OC) ~BOOK 1~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ