Chapter 42

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A/N - I can't tell you how sorry I am and I just want to apologies for being like 4 weeks late in updating. I have been spending over 8 hours at the theater for rehearsal everyday for the past 3 weeks so I barely have any time to do my assignments/classwork. THEN, I had to do all of the work I got soooooooooooo behind on. I feel like the worst writer and yet you guys are still loyal to me and for that I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyways, that's my crazy life... onto my weekly dedications!!!

Thank you so much to @Gozdealpcetin @MeguelineMaraschim @Supernaturalmorgan20 @MBG202 @ofekistit @Saphire2102 @BitterSweetG @Theoptimistic123 @MyCookiemonster95 @EmmelineGRWeasley @BlackLazureSea @AuroraDeLuca804 @Weird1000 @0Klaroline0 @CaitlynHill2005 (especially you because you are a fellow Divergent lover) @jamo6788 @Lights212 @Witchgirl590 @ggofootball @JennaMMarie3 @Lunar_Lining All of your votes and comments (make me feel bad because I haven't updated, but it's okay) and make my day!!

@CaptainMarvel0705 Thank you for your votes and comments and for pushing me to write and post this chapter (I promise I'm not mad at all).

Also a special thank you to @ahtenaismona @Alex_Lyra for telling me that this is one of the best books they have ever read because it made me so happy I cried. It makes me so happy that people think this about my writing.

And an even bigger thank you to @tea_and_sherlock who never fails to leave at least one comment on every chapter (and never fails to make me laugh every time). I know I promised to get a chapter out for you last week and I never did and I'm so sorry for that.

Thank you guys so much for your continuous love and support, it means the world to me!! I'm going to try so hard to post at least one more chapter before Sunday and then I should be back on my usual Sunday posting schedule. Here's a longer chapter for you guys!!

Love you muchly!!! Kisses - K


"Sherlock! Kat!" John yells as he runs up the stairs after fighting his way through the crowds into Baker Street. He was at Sarah's when he saw the explosion on the news and rushed over to make sure his roommates were okay.

When John walks in, he notices Sherlock sitting in his chair plucking at his violin while Kat sit on the chair's arm rest with her arms crossed. Mycroft is also there in all his glory looking as annoyed at his little brother than ever.

"John." Kat says pleasantly when he walks in.

"I saw it on the telly. Are you guys okay?" John questions as he eyes the broken windows on the floor.

"Us? What? Oh, yeah, fine. Gas leak, apparently." Sherlock says a little distracted as he plucks at the strings on his violin and remembers what happened earlier.


"Hey, what have you done to my bloody wall?!" Mrs. Hudson all but yells at Sherlock and Kat covers her mouth with her hand to hide her smile. "I'm putting this on your rent, young man!" With that she leaves the room and heads downstairs.

Sherlock turns and gives a big smile to the smiley face on the wall as he is proud of his work. Kat turns around and is about to head back into the kitchen when suddenly a huge explosion rips out from behind them, throwing Kat and Sherlock onto the floor in front of them.

Sherlock, however, attempting to shield Kat because she didn't need to get injured any more than she already was, managed to land on top of her. After a few minutes, Sherlock propped himself onto his arms and looked down at Kat. Their bodies were pressed up against each other so much so they Kat sound feel her chest press up against his every time she took a breath.

Kat Got Your Tongue? (Sherlock X OC) ~BOOK 1~Where stories live. Discover now