Chapter 20

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The two of them walk over to John. "Erm, Sergeant Donovan's just been explaining everything." The army doctor tells them when they arrive. "Two pills, threatening to shoot Kat, dreadful business, isn't it? Dreadful."

"Good shot." Is all Sherlock says and Kat turns to him slightly confused before looking over at John and realizing what Sherlock already figured out: John was the one who shot the cabbie.

"Yes. Yes, must have been." John cleared his throat. "Through that window."

"Well, you'd know." Kat says catching on. "Need to get the powder burns out of your fingers. I don't suppose you'd serve time for this, but let's avoid the court case." Kat tells him. "Oh, the paperwork." She jokes feigning frustration with a smile.

John looks slightly flustered, "I'm not- I can't admit anything in the presence in a Scotland Yard detective." He stutters out.

Kat shrugs with a small smile, "I'm off duty."

"Are you all right?" Sherlock asks John sincerely.

"Yes, of course I'm all right." The doctor replies as if that was a stupid question for Sherlock to ask him.

"Well, you have just killed a man." Sherlock pointed out.

"Yes, I," John hesitates and considers trying to keep his story up, but then gives up realizing that it is no use. "That's true, isn't it? But he wasn't a very nice man."

"No. No, he wasn't, really, was he?" Sherlock agrees.

"Frankly, a bloody awful cabbie." John says.

"That's true, he was a bad cabbie." Kat laughs. "You should have seen the route he took us to get here." With that they all start laughing, quite loudly.

"Stop! We can't giggle, it's a crime scene." John chastises them lightly, trying himself not to laugh.  "Stop it."

"You're the one who shot him." Kat pointed out.

"Keep your voice down!" John tells Kat laughing along with her and Sherlock.

"Sorry, it's just, erm nerves, I think. Sorry." Sherlock adds to Donovan as she walks past giving us weird looks.

"You were going to take that damn pill, weren't you?" John asks him changing the subject.

"He had a gun pointed at Kat, course I was." Sherlock replied. "Plus I was pretty confident in my choice of pill and, you know, biding my time. Knew you'd turn up."

"No, you didn't." John catches his bluff. "That's how you get your kicks, isn't it? You risk your life to prove you're clever."

"Why would I do that?" Sherlock asks feigning innocence.

"Because you're an idiot." Kat answers for John smiling and giving Sherlock a joking nudge on the shoulder.

"Dinner?" Sherlock asks ignoring Kat's last comment.

"Starving." John and Kat said at the same time.

"End of Baker Street, there's a good Chinese." Sherlock tells them as they start walking out of the crime scene. "Stays open till two. You can always tell a good Chinese place by the bottom third of the door handle." Sherlock starts to explain his door handle deduction when John interrupts him.

"Sherlock, that's him," The doctor tells Sherlock pointing to a man who is currently using an umbrella as a cane. "That's the man I was talking to you about."

Sherlock groans a little. "I know exactly who that is." He walks over and Kat and John follow him.

"So another case cracked." Sherlock's 'arch enemy' says when they walk over. "How very public-spirited. Though that's never really your motivation, is it?"

Kat Got Your Tongue? (Sherlock X OC) ~BOOK 1~Where stories live. Discover now