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A/N at the end please read.💖

Unknown P.O.V

I have been watching Mia since she came to New York.
She doesn't even know, and she isn't even suspicious.
Even when she was waiting outside Jason's office I felt like shooting her right there, but I didn't want to draw attention.
She's totally oblivious of having a stalker. Which makes my Job a top-notch easier.

Tsk! Tsk! Such a dumb bitch.

She wouldn't even know what hit her when I strike.

The foolish billionaire whom she left her boyfriend for.

Such a slut!

It makes me hate her the more.
The billionaire is crazy about her just like she's crazy about him, but they're too stupid to notice that.

He's the only flaw in my plan for Mia's ruin.
He'll be hot on my trail when I take her. Which is why I have to wait for the perfect moment to strike quick and accurate.

I'll ruin her like she ruined me. I'll make sure of that, even if it's the last thing I fucking do.🔫🔫

Writer: *Desperately pleads for her life* please don't kill me.
I'm sorry it had to happen.

Reader: Who is this person? Speak least we 🔫 shoot you.

Writer: *winks* I'm not telling... Keep reading to find out.

Thanks, everyone for still being here.
I love you all very much💝

The next update will be as soon as possible.

Until then...Keep your FBI mind open.

The question: Who wants Mia dead?
You can comment on what you think below.

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Love you💖💖💖

# That invisible writer(Lol)
I'll be visible after I unravel the mystery.
Until then... Adiós.😘😘😘

P.s - Raise your hand if you want to kill me 'cause of this chapter.😂😂😂

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