Chapter Twenty- Dump Him Like a BOSS!

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Author's note at the end 👇 please read.💕💕

You can play the song above👆 for more feel of this chapter👏

Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.
- Winston Churchill.


"I'm sorry to disturb son, but it's really urgent." Ma'am Pagnole entered my study, looking disturbed and fidgety.

Must be pretty serious.

"What is it?... You are never a bother."
"It's just that ever since you and Mia had your argument, she went to her room and got dressed in some party wear. She has been out and now it's one a.m she still isn't back."

I hurriedly checked my wristwatch and discovered it was really one a.m.

Wow! How time flies.

"You do know I'm the last person she wants to see now right?" I raised my brows questioning.
"Mia may be mad at you right now, but you sure ain't the last person she wants to see. I think that will be her douchebag of a boyfriend."

"Ex-boyfriend actually." I corrected her quietly.
"You're changing his status so quickly. Did she tell you that she isn't dating him anymore?... They're adults they can solve their differences." She smiled widely as she said this.

"Mia will be an idiot if she goes back to him after what he did to her. They had a f*cking five years relationship, and he had the guts to come to where she is with his mistress. Talking about it even pisses me off. I really respect Mia because she acted really mature and didn't throw the usual cliche tantrum. I don't even think the fool knows she has found out.
How can your fiancée come to a different country and you haven't even called her at all?... He's so stupid to have cheated on Mia because someone like Mia deserves the whole world. I will destroy his career, he would know no one messes with my Mia." I concluded breathing heavily.

"I never thought I will see my Jason talk about someone so passionately. You even called her 'Your Mia'. I'm so proud of you my boy." She smiled ruffling my hair.

Did I really call her my Mia?... I was angry I didn't notice.

"Mia is my close friend, it's natural for me to be protective of her."
"I didn't know that people personalized their close friend." She wriggled her brows suggestively.

Are nannies supposed to act like this?

"Let's forget about that, and focus on the reason why Mia isn't back yet. Did she tell you where she was going?" I questioned feeling like an FBI agent.
"She said something about going to the club not too far from the house. I heard her calling one Blake Weston to hang out with her." She scrunched her brows in confusion.

Blake Weston?... I've seen that name before, but where?

"Did she say who he was?" I couldn't help but feel curious.
"I'm not her keeper boy!... Although she did say something about meeting him here in New York."

Now I remember!... He was the owner of the number I saw on the table.

A/N- If you don't remember Blake Weston, you need to check the chapter titled 'Hello Stranger.'

"Ok, I'll get there right now to find out if she's actually there and if she's actually okay." I stood up from the chair and advanced towards the door.
"Take care son and make sure she's home in one piece." She said as she hugged me.
"More like hope, I come back in one piece. Mia is really mad at me. She even said she regrets knowing me."
"She only said it out of anger, she obviously doesn't mean it. So shoo and go bring her back home."
"Yes, Ma!" I mock saluted, as we went downstairs together.
"Good luck and be careful. Make sure you go with Philip for security. Even though the media still doesn't know your identity, you may still have enemies."
"Sure I will. Take care."

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