CHAPTER THIRTY-ONE- He didn't choose me and it hurts.

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A/N- This is an unedited chapter.

As we all piled into Jason's limousine, with Daphne and Jason by my side, Sara in between Dave and Jake, and Sheila and Lydia sitting together. Although that sneaky Jason wanted to pull me on his laps I gave him the stink eye that said 'oh boy no you don't get to do that' and luckily he understood. I'm not really big on the PDA thing and luckily Jason understood.

"So Dave how is Melissa doing?" Sarah asked
"Oh... She's good. She even convinced me to come on this vacation so according to her 'You'll stop bothering me and treating me like a porcelain doll! For goodness sake, I'm just five months pregnant and not about to die!" Dave tried mimicking a female voice but obviously failing as he sounded shrill.

"You're married?" I asked him.
"Yeah... Don't tell me you secretly love me and want to dump Jason's sorry ass. You know I can always make a place for you." He joked as he wriggled his brows suggestively.
"I can't dump Jason for you even in the next ten lives. How can I drop a diamond and pick a brass?"
"Oh my gosh! She totally roasted him. I knew I liked her for a reason," Sara said as she held her hand up for a high five, and considering we were sitting opposite each other. Our high-five was like the spectacle in the limo.

"You wanna cry pretty boy?... Close your mouth lest flies pop in." She grinned wickedly.
"That was mean Mia... I thought we are friends. How can you call me brass and call Jason diamond? I mean that is just plain mean. The difference is so glaring." Dave pouted.
"Ain't that telling you something?" I said dryly.
"You're so mean." Dave playfully glared at me.

"So Jake are you also married like your brother or you're afraid of commitment? There is always that brother that is afraid of commitment. Hope that isn't you?" I playfully asked.
"No, I'm not," He said while wiggling his eyebrows at me.
"The right person just hasn't said yes." He continued.

I detected a bit of sadness in his voice as he gazed fleetingly at Sara while she just squirmed uncomfortably. I'll probably ask her when we get to know each other well.

"So Mia you still won't even consider me over Jason for anything?" Dave asked, probably still hurt that I called him brass and Jason diamond.
"I already told you no. It can only happen if pigs fly, if ten seas part on their own with no human effort and also if you find a way to look and act exactly like Jason. That ain't anytime soon so back away boy." I did the shooting thing with my hand.

Then Sara made her phone do this thing where someone will say 'and she has it.' Then an imaginary crowd will clap. I swear Sara reminds me so much of Ash.

"Mia- 2 Dave- 0. Got anything to say, Davey?" She asked acting like she was a reporter.
"I feel like you know me before, 'cause these insults always come from a hurt fan. Did you ever request for autograph and I didn't give you?" Dave placed his finger on his chin like he was really thinking.
"I think no one has ever told you before that you ain't important. Since no one has told you I'll do you the favor. You are not that important Dave."
"Word!... And Mia has it!" Sara said, playing the silly soundtrack again.

"What's happening?" Jason asked, rubbing his eyes. Obviously waking up from sleep. The funny thing was that no one realized he slept off.
Everyone, well apart from Sheila burst into laughter. I can already tell you this vacation is going to be so much fun.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Since we came to the Island five days ago we have had so fun that I almost feel like not going back. Well apart from Sheila who insists on just tanning and claiming other activities will ruin her glow.

For the first time, Lydia doesn't mind Sheila and joins us in scuba diving. Dave who was claiming to be a macho guy, I found out that his weakness is water. We had to convince him twenty times that there was no jellyfish in the water before he got in.

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