Chapter twenty-three- I was just too blind to notice.

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A/N- Words can't express how deeply sorry I am for going MIA these few weeks. Don't worry, this book remains ten chapters or less to end. So please hang on a little bit. I have thought about all the chapters on paper, it's just to type it that is the actual problem.
Please forgive me for my unprofessional behavior, it won't happen again.
Thanks for your understanding.

Please proceed🚶

🚫Not edited.

A love affair with knowledge will never end in heartbreak.
-Michael Garrett Marino.


Last night a hooded figure was seen arguing with a young lady yet to be identified. The young lady yelled at the hooded figure, whom she later called Jason Steele. Due to the fact that he has been low-key for ten years, one can't really say if it was really Jason Steele, or a publicity stunt by the lady, or the lady was totally delusional probably after having so much to drink.
Witnesses say his face was totally covered by his pullover and they couldn't really see his face.

But if it really was Jason Steele, one can now say he finally came out of hiding after going MIA for ten years.

"Shit!... I'm really sorry about making you a newspaper headline." I hung my head down, feeling shame course through my veins.
"It's alright Mia. That's what the media is there for; ok." Jason smiled at me, but I could feel he just didn't want to make me feel bad.

"It's seriously not ok. You manage to lay low for ten years, but less than thirty days I'm here I blow your cover. All because I got mad over a petty thing. You didn't ruin my life, Dayne would have always cheated. I was just too blind to see that. I'm a hypocrite..." Jason shushed me by placing his fingers on my lips.

I suddenly want to kiss them.

"You seriously need to shut up Mia. I really care about you, so it takes more than a stupid newspaper headline to make me mad at you." He smiled while taking my fingers and kissing them lovingly. Exactly what I wanted to do to his, except I was too much a coward to actually do that.

"Your awesome personality makes me feel like shit next to a unicorn," I grumbled resting my head on his chest.

You're probably wondering where we are right now?

We are now on the sitting room sofa.

"Are you secretly sniffing me, Mia?" Jason asked while ruffling my hair.
"Hands off the merchandise Jason 'cause I can actually break those fingers you know." I glared at him playfully.
"Jeez... You're so aggressive. I'm actually going to congratulate the man that's actually going to marry you. He's in for a big surprise." He jokingly said.

"Well, that person practically just ruffled my hair. Are you trying to congratulate yourself?" I jokingly replied as well.
"I'm sure I will be bullied in our marriage. Why did I ever put that ring on your finger?" He said fake crying.
"It's too late to back out dear 'cause I'm three months pregnant. Surely you won't leave your child alone without a father." I batted my eyelashes at him.

"Oh no... I have been roped craftily into a union I have no interest in. Save my soul lest I die oh Lord." He dramatically waved his hands.

I just couldn't help but notice how full his lips were. Was Dayne the barrier against me noticing these things?

"Mia...Mia." Jason tapped my shoulders incessantly.
"What?" I asked after I came out of my Lala Land.
"You spaced out. Were you thinking about how much you want to kiss me?" He wriggled his eyebrows at me.

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