Chapter twenty-four- Tell me everything.

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Wondering who Ian Hawkings is?
Chapter reveal😊
A/N- Sorry everyone for not updating in a long time. I'm going through a hard time. I am better now and fired up!

No soul is desolate as long as there is a human being for whom it can feel trust and reverence.
-T.s Elliot.

"Oh my gosh, is that what I think it is?" I covered my mouth in surprise as I stared at Jason's present.
"Yes, it is... Sorry, you may not..." Jason started talking but was interrupted by me.
"I definitely love it. It's really beautiful and looks like it was done by a professional. So tell me who you contacted?" I questioned curiously.

"It was actually done by me. I haven't done it in two years, that's why I thought you wouldn't like it. I may have lost my touch of professionalism." Jason said obviously nervous.

Nervous and Jason is a really cute sight.

"If this is what you call losing your touch, then please lose it everything you do this for me. It's simply amazing and beautiful." I said while admiring the portrait of me done by Jason. It was a portrait of me putting a headphone on a plane to Milan. It was Ash who took the picture, so I know Jason got the picture from Ash.

Speaking of Ash, I got to call her since I'm not mad at her again and also miss her like crazy.

"You didn't tell me you're a good artist?" I folded my arms curiously.
"Well, you didn't ask." He replied back like a usual smart ass.

You know that one person that makes your day, but just annoys the crap out of you. Jason is the right person with that description.

"How will I ask if I wasn't aware?" I looked at me with an are-you-kidding face.
"Well now you know, so do stop blabbing." He sighed.
"Don't say mean words to the birthday girl." I dragged his cheeks playfully.
"Yes, your highness." He mocks saluted.

"Good boy. So when did you start the whole drawing and painting fiasco?... Were you one of these rich kids who wanted to study music but couldn't pursue their dream because they were forced into the family business?"

"I was seven years old when I started the whole thing. My watercolor painting of the sun setting, sold for two hundred dollars. I guess the person really loved the painting. Also, I wasn't forced to be in the family business, it was by choice. Though I loved painting and drawing, I never looked at it as a profession. It was more of a hobby sort of thing." He explained patiently.

"So do you currently have some paintings in the museum?" I couldn't help but be curious.
"Have you ever seen a painting signed 'Anonymous J?"

"Oh my gosh... Don't tell me that's you? If it really is, I'm taking selfies with you right now." I hop around the room.

"One, we are so not taking pictures because my name is anonymous for a reason. The keyword is remaining anonymous. Also two, my answer in your first question has answered your second question." He halted me to stop me from hopping around the room.

"You're such a party pooper. Besides this, your whole anonymous thing is kind of weird. Never have I seen a billionaire as chill as you are, doesn't have scandals attached to his name, has avoided the press for ten years. Sorry for almost blowing your cover though." I apologized feeling both shy and ashamed.

"It's alright, you didn't blow it. So I kind of had this idea of anonymous when I wanted to put my work out there. I didn't want people to say that 'cause I'm a Steele is the reason for my success. I wanted to be self-made and being anonymous was the only solution. Besides keeping my life private is so that when I get married and start having kids. I want my family, to have a normal life, and not living it trying to please someone or people." He finished while smiling.

"When I first got here you really didn't want to hear anything about marriage, but now you want to get married! Who and what have you done to my Jason?" I asked, teasing him a bit.

"It's still me in here M&M." He tapped his chest lightly.
"So what changed your mind?"
"You." He responded in a heartbeat.
"Excuse me?" I gaped at him.

I really didn't see that coming.

"Yes... you changed my thinking perspective."
"You see living with you for these few weeks thought me that marriage isn't all that bad as I imagined. I found out that it's all about how cordial your relationship is with your spouse. If your relationship is cordial, you people may fight but you'll always reconcile. Also staying with you has been super fun, not saying I want to get married to you." He added slyly.

"How can you not want to marry someone as fabulous as me?... Do you know what it takes to be like me?" I jokingly asked him.
"My guess will be nothing because there's nothing spectacular about you." He formed a face of nonchalance while saying this.

He really hates me.

"You're so mean."
"Thanks for the compliment dear."
"That wasn't a compliment moron."
"Thanks anyway."

I rubbed my hands together as I remembered something that has really been bugging me.

"Jason, can I ask you something?" I was tensed as I asked him.
"Sure anything you want to ask. I'm all ears." He quipped.

"Who is Ian Hawkings?" I quickly spat out the dragon.

Jason tensed a bit before he started talking.

"He's my cousin. I'm sorry you had to meet a sleazeball like him."
"It's alright. Besides what did he do to make you people mortal enemies. It's alright if you're not ready to talk about it yet."

"The reason was that he so powered thirsty, that he was ready to wipe out any obstacle on his path. Which unfortunately was me, because before this incident happened I was a general manager. He was to direct me after my father couldn't handle the company again. Since Ian, my mom's brother's child was the cousin and the second in command to my dad. He was appointed to train me and teach me all aspects of the business. When I got to be promoted ahead of him, he began plotting his revenge. Despite having half of the company shares, he still wanted my shares. Luckily I caught him before he could any serious damage."

"Such a douchebag." I finished while sighing.
"I know too. Let's just focus on happy things."
"That'll be good."
"Guess whose birthday is tomorrow?"
"Hope you already prepared my gifts since it's obviously me."
"I got you a gift, not the one with the 's.'
"Which is?"
"A deodorant is what I got."
"Are you trying to say I smell? I narrowed my eyebrows.

"Take it to be whatever you want." He smiled nonchalantly.
"Jason!" I yelled in shock.

"Just kidding...Just kidding." His laughter boomed in the room.

Sorry, it's a filler and really short. The next update will be as soon as possible.
Hopefully, it will be so much better.

Until the next update... Stay Fabulous.❤

P.s I typed this by 3:00 am, do forgive me for any typo.
Lots of love💖

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