Chapter Sixteen

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So… what team are you? Nucy? Zannah? Natiam? Larry?

So I have received heaps of offers to do the song from ppl here on Wattpad, You’re allowed to sing the song and play music to it anyway you want, But you must give me full credit for the song! When you’ve put it up on Youtube, Send me the link and I’ll put it up on one of my chapters J!

x Gwen









“Liam! Omigod…. This is…. AMAZING!” I said spinning around, laughing.

In front of me was a lake, with floating lanterns dotted all over it, some hanging on the bridge that went over the lake, some floating. There was even lanterns in the tree’s! Coloured streamers where attached wherever possible and sitting near the playground and pond was a gazebo and inside was a large picnic blanket, with some food laid out on top of it.

The lake seemed to stretch on forever, and tied up to the bridge was a small canoe, with the words Daylight dreaming on the side, written in long flowery letters... “Did you make all this?” I said.

He smiled. “Every last bit of it. I’ve been planning it for ages.

“Liam.. I… This is… Wow.” I said simply. “Just Wow.”

“Would you like to go eat?” He asked.

“I would love to.” I said, following him towards the gazebo.

He lead me blindly towards the gazebo, I still couldn’t believe he did all this for me. For me. A small town girl who was the smartest in the class and hated her braces. I ran my fingers over my teeth, I’d had my braces taken off at the end of Year Eleven.

“So what do you want to try first?” asked Liam. “The apple pie or Lemon Delicious?”

“Lemon Delicious please.” I said, holding out my plate eagerly.





“I am stuffed.” I said, lying back down on the grass. “Seriously, if I eat any more I will pop.”

“I’m guessing you liked it.” Said Liam, chuckling.

“I did! They both where amazing. Did you make them?” I said, turning my head to face Liam.

“I made the pie. And Harry made the Lemon Cake.” He said, turning to face me.

“This is nice.” I said, stretching my fingers out on the slightly wet grass. “So relaxing.”

“Do you want to go out on the boat?” Liam asked, getting up and dusting himself.

“Ok.” I said, holding out a hand. “Pull me up, Lee.”

He grinned and hauled me to my feet. “Lee?”

“What! You needed a nickname!” I said, letting go of his hand. “Race you! Last one to the boat is a rotten egg!” I raced down the slopped grass, running towards the lake. Liam ran after me, I could hear him panting. I was almost there! I began to slow down, as the hill was steep and stoped in time, right before I ran over the edge of the grass. Liam, on the other hand, wasn’t so fortunate, he fell into the lake, making a loud smash! As he hit the surface, and several large ripples. Then he shot up and began to shake his hair like a dog, grinning like a mad man and made his way towards me.

Who needs Luck? (1D FanFiction) Sequel to Your Good Luck CharmHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin