Chapter Thirty Seven

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Ok guys, generally I’m a pretty happy person, Ask anyone. And I’m one of the writers on Wattpad that update every day, So stop asking me to make the chapters longer, or saying the chapters are to short or the dot’s annoy you, because it’s seriously starting to get annoying. Now, I don’t mean to be mean and I don’t want to get any one upset, But I do update regularly, so my chapters aren’t going to be 10 pages long, ok?

X Gwen








“What?” I say, curiously.

“Er…. I love you.” He said, looking at his feet.

“I know, You just said so.”

“No I mean.. I… love… you.”

“Harry… I… Know.”

“No!” He says, getting frustrated. “I mean, I LOVE YOU, AS IN MORE THAN A FRIEND.”

There was a stunned silence.

“What?” I said in a little voice.

“Just hear me out.” He said, looking at me desperately. “Please? Don’t immediately friend zone me, just.. just listen to me.”

“Ok.” I said, weakly, shaking.

“I have liked you since the very start, since I saw you for the first time when we were seven. And if telling you this means I could have a chance with you, then I’ll do it. If climbing a mountain means I can have a chance with you, then I’ll do it a million times.”


“No, you listen to me Lucy Heyward. I love you, I always have, I can’t help it, You’re irresistible. And I don’t care if you don’t have the looks of a barbie doll, Or that you’re afraid of the dark… I’ve liked you my entire life, and I always will. The feeling I got when I saw you the first time was incredible… You didn’t creep up on me, I just knew, from Day One, that you were the girl for me.” He paused, and studied me for a second.

“I don’t know how or why or even what made me feel this way, somehow between your stupid fear of the dark, your lame jokes, hilarious laugh and gorgeous smile I realised that I loved you.”

I couldn’t breathe.




He can’t like me, He CANT.

He’s no allowed to.

It’s not fair.

“Lucy? Please say something. Please talk to me.”

A tear fell.


“I can’t.”


“I CAN’T.”

“What.. what are you talking about?”

“I can’t.. You can’t… He… It’s not fair.”


“You can’t like me. You’re not allowed to.”

His expression fell.

“You can’t like me… because… because I might … I do, I like you too.” I said.

Who needs Luck? (1D FanFiction) Sequel to Your Good Luck CharmWhere stories live. Discover now