Chapter Twenty Seven

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So my friend Steph made a  tribute to the first book, You’re Good Luck Charm, but she used it’s old name, Being Lucky for you. So check it out! Video on the side….BTW what do you guys think of Emma Watson or Emma Roberts as Molly?

X Gwen








“I want, I want, I want and that’s crazy, I want, I want, I want to be loved by you.” Sang Eliza’s CD Player.

“aarrgh! Can you turn that down?” said Alana, “I’m trying to listen to Jedward’s new music video.”

“Why do you even like those weirdos?” asked Eliza, raising an eyebrow. “They can’t even sing.”

“Yeah, but they have great hair. And why do you listen to One Direction? They can’t sing.”

“They can so sing!” Said Eliza angrily.

“oh yeah?” said Alana. “What you’re listening to is auto tuned.”

“It’s just an effect!” said Eliza defensively.

“Mhmm…. RIGHT.” Said Alana, obviously not believing any word that came out of her sisters mouth.

“Do you guys ever not fight?” I asked.

“Nope.” They chorused.

“We’ve been like this since day one.” Said Alana.

“I was the good child!” said Eliza defensively.

“Uh, No! You made me be the horse when we played Saddle Club!”


I groaned. “I’m going out.”


“Diddle Bop.”

I slipped on a beanie and gloves, because it was really windy outside and began to walk to Hannah’s apartment , which is about a ten minute walk. When I got there, I knocked on the door. She opened it and grinned when she saw me.

“Hey, Luce! Come in, I have a guest!”

Who needs Luck? (1D FanFiction) Sequel to Your Good Luck CharmTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang