1-Call me Ki

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A/n:I don't own or claim to own this photo. I also do not know the original artist/anime/manga that she originates from. She is an image used to personify Kaito/Ki. I also do not claim to own Ouran High School Host Club. I don't own all lines said by characters, the plot or some locations mentioned throughout. Some are from the anime/manga. Kaito does not refer to her family as Honey or Mori due to them being family. She treats them more causally calling them by their first names Mitsukuni and Takashi. Thanks for reading. -kate_inspired

Kaito's POV

Mitsukuni (18) and Yasuchika (14) are my brothers. I'm the middle child, the girl, Kaito. My family gave me a boys name that means going through and beyond. My family always wished I would exceed their expectations. I'm 16 and have blonde hair and light caramel eyes. My blonde hair hits the middle of my back and is straight.

My brothers have a difference in height. Mitsukuni at 4ft 8.5in and Chika at 4ft 9.8in. While I'm shorter than Mitsukuni at 4ft 6in. I go by my nickname Ki (key) which means the one who has arisen. I'm a black belt like my brothers, but Chika hates to spare with me.

I have an AB blood type like Mitsukuni as well. Which Chika who's only A claims is the reason Mitsukuni is a devil. Yet for some reason I'm not. But I wouldn't have my chaotic family any other way. I'm in Class 2-A and the day after tomorrow is my first day going to Ouran High School.

I didn't get to see Mitsukuni when he was in 1-A or 2-A and have a strong big brother my last year of middle school and first year of high school. I learned so fast I've already went from what I should've been in (1-A) and am in 2-A. My family sent me to America for school years.

They wanted me to have "culture." So every school break I was sent to Mexico. Then over the winter I was sent to China. It's a good thing I learned the languages before the trip. I got off the flight, "Finally." I walked and grabbed my lone suitcase with my backpack on my back. Surprisingly my suitcase holds 3 weeks of pjs, outfits and underwear.

My backpack simply held other stuff I had. For example a photo from when I was 5. The photo was simple. Dad had Yasuchika on his shoulders. Yasuchika's dark brown eyes and brown hair matching mom. Who stood beside dad. Dad's blonde hair and very pale brown eyes looking like honey who stood in front of him. While I stood in front of mom in a white sundress.

I walked to the lobby. I had on a bright red jacket and brown jeans. I held onto my pink lollipop. The brown bow on top of my head felt like it was falling over. I noticed the same train tracks for the bullet train that's last stop is here.

They must have a sign right. I scanned around, then scanned again. Finally I saw it Kaito Haninozuka. I let out a sigh of relief, home at last. Now yes travel is great, but I don't like not seeing my family. School starts in 2 days. So basically I come home tonight. Spend time with family tomorrow and then go to school.

I wonder if Chika, Mitsukuni or Takashi changed while I was gone. I wonder if Mitsukuni is the head of the karate club at school? I smiled and finally reached the man holding the sign, "Hey, I guess you're here for me." Then my face held a sheepish grin.

--Time skip--

As the driver opened the door and bowed to me I nodded. After I walked in there was maids on one side and butlers on the other. In unison there was a, "Welcome home miss." To which I nodded and said, "Thanks." Soon enough I heard steps quickly coming downstairs.

My eyes landed on Chika and Mitsukuni who eventually hit the bottom. Mitsukuni grinned brightly at me. Chika glared at Mitsukuni then noticed me watching. I'm glad I get to skip the family tradition of fighting a family member when you see them.

He returned his attention to me and rubbed the back of his neck offering a weak smile. I walked calmly to them while silently wheeling my suitcase behind me. I smiled, "Come on and give me a hug guys. I'll hug you both back."

Mitsukuni ran up to me tackling me into a hug. We fell onto the floor with him on top of me and we burst out laughing. I giggled, "Mitsukuni, you haven't changed." He stood up then grabbed my hand pulling me up. I lightly dusted myself off.

I noticed Chika with a cheek puffed out pouting. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him, "It's okay Chika." He said, "No..." He kept his arms relaxed and at his sides. I moved my head to his ear and smiled. I whispered, "Yes!" Then pulled away and he looked like he immediately missed the hug.

I smiled then turned around and noticed a butler holding my suitcase. I said, "Thanks, let's head up." After we hit the top of the stairs Chika headed off to his room. Mitsukuni followed me and the butler to mine.

When we got into my room I smiled. The pale pink walls were still the same. My dark pink bedspreads still the same. The headboard in the middle of the wall on my right. Then a white desk still under the window of the wall right in front of me. The solid white computer chair pushed in. The computer on it immediately attracted my attention. I can play my games again. Yes!

Then the 2 pink bean bags still tucked in the corner between the desk and bed. It's simple, just like I left it. The doors to my bathroom and walk in closet still on the left wall. I said, "Hasn't changed a bit." The butler went past me. He sat the suitcase at the foot of my bed on the floor. Then he bowed and left my room.

I walked further in as Mitsukuni came in closing the door behind him. I sat my backpack by the suitcase then plopped down face first into my bed. I gently smiled, "Oh my gosh this feels like heaven." I heard Mitsukuni giggle as he was walking to my bed. He sat down beside me, "Kaito..."

I pushed myself up and stayed up by my arms in a plank. I tilted my head to see Mitsukuni on my left. I said, "You know it's Ki, Mitsukuni." He turned to look at me with a big smile, "Yeah, I know. Ki the arisen warrior." I sighed, "That was a while ago. I was little." He said, "It was cute. Anyway you missed a lot." I blankly stared at him, "What'd I miss then?"

He grinned, "Later. Besides did you remember to tell Takashi you're back today." My eyes widened, "That's what it was. I knew I forgot something." He smiled, "It's okay Ki. I've been telling Takashi for a week how I was excited you'd be coming home today." I dropped down from my plank. I mumbled, "Is Takashi coming over?"

Mitsukuni sounded excited, "More than that. He's spending the night tonight Ki." I rolled over to be on my back, "Really?" Mitsukuni turned with a grin, "Of course Ki-chan." I playfully rolled my eyes, "Stop it Mitsukuni. You know you can drop the chan." He giggled, "Fine Ki." I sat up and gently stared at him, "I missed a lot? Come on Mitsukuni." He smiled, "As I said before I'll tell you later."

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