5-Balls and Physicals

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Kaito's POV

I went into my attached bathroom and took a shower. The water cascading down me felt good. I thought back to today the main thing in my head was the host club. For some reason it felt like home. The next thing that came to mind was Takashi and Mitsukuni. They've changed so much...

I stepped out and wrapped myself in a fluffy pink towel. I headed to my closet and after drying off I got changed into black shorts and a pink tank top. As soon as I laid my head on my bed I was out.


I walked into the host club only for me to see Haruhi trying hard to learn the waltz. I barely remember that. I don't like getting that close to people. I sat beside Mitsukuni who ended up eating cake. I sighed and pulled a lollipop out of my bag. I stared at the pink one. I love cotton candy.

He turned to me, "Do you still remember how to waltz Ki?" I stammered, "Umm... no?" He excitedly stated, "Then let's dance!" Then I looked up to see Haruhi had fallen on top of the girl trying to teach her.

I said, "No I'd probably end up on top of you or under you like that." He said, "It'll be fine. Let's try!" I reluctantly nodded, "Alright Mitsukuni."

Tamaki walked over to me, "Will you be going to the ball?" I looked at him, "Huh?" Tamaki looked shocked, "The host clubs ball. We're hosting one! You should definitely come. We would love your company!"

I shook my head no, "Um I'm not really into..." Haruhi came over, "Come on, it'd be nice to see you there." I looked at Haruhi, "I'll... Think about it."


I stood in a light brown dress leaned up against the wall. My makeup was done. My long blonde hair was in a braid. I wore black flats with my dress.

Tamaki came over to me with Mitsukuni. "Dance?" I heard Tamaki ask. I nodded my head, "S-Sure." He grabbed my left hand and lead me to the dance floor. We started waltzing around the floor. Thank goodness me and Mitsukuni practiced. When it was over Tamaki bowed and I curtsied.

Tamaki's POV

Honey was right she is good at dancing. She's pretty shy though. Maybe that'll change one day.

Kaito's POV

I walked back to my spot only to hear an announcement I didn't really focus on. But when I went to see what the commotion was about I saw Tamaki push Haruhi. Haruhi fully kissed a girl on the lips. I wonder if that's her first kiss. I haven't had mine...


I was helping the hosts clean up after the dance. Somebody grabbed my shoulder. I turned and noticed the brown hair. Haruhi. Haruhi said, "Kaito senpai, you don't have to help us." I smiled weakly, "No, it's fine."

Tamaki came over grabbing my shoulder again. Haruhi's eyes acknowledged him. I turned to him, "Tamaki?" The whole room was silent. Why's it silent? What's happening? Tamaki stared at me, "You know my name?" I nodded my head yes.


I stood in the room staring at the nurses and doctors, "Welcome." I turned to see Takashi and Mitsukuni in doctor uniforms. They held they're fingers to their mouths, be quiet. What are they even doing? How crazy is my family? The fan girls were staring at them very excited.

I went to a private girls clinic my dad talked to the school about. I sat in a chair waiting for the nurse. We went over basic stuff, like that I'm 4"6. That I only weigh 90lbs. Which is probably too little. But then it came to my muscles.


I stared at my dad and brothers. I was only 8 years old. I laid on the floor panting. I stared at the ceiling. I heard dad say, "It's pathetic that you can't keep the family tradition. You're always knocked down. Maybe your mother was right."

He continued, "You will never be a fighter. Kaito, I even gave you that strong name. Yasuchika is stronger than you. You're both black belts. He's two years younger than you. So why did you two become black belts on the same day?!"

I stammered, "I-I-I don't know, f-father." He said, "Boys look and learn, your sister is now exempt from the family tradition. She will still train and compete, yet it's obvious she's not up to our caliber."

Mitsukuni said, "Dad, Kaito works really hard." Dad responded, "No matter if she tries, she's weaker. She's the weakest link of the family while Mitsukuni, you're the dreadlock."

---end memory---

The nurse said, "Your muscles are so tense. Have you been over working them?" I shrugged, "I don't know. Possibly." One day maybe... Maybe I can beat dad or Mitsukuni in sparring.


I looked at him fully turning my head to face Mitsukuni, "Want to try sparring today?" He smiled, "Really?" I nodded my head yes, "Yeah." We got changed and went downstairs to the in home dojo. He stood across from me, "Are you okay with this?" I said, "Of course, don't hold back."

Mitsukuni had a cautionary eye on me. We walked out and bowed to each other. He immediately went to my left side. I let my body adjust to be in a defensive stance. He threw shirikengs at my left side. I caught them in my left hand. Then turned tossing them straight at Mitsukuni.

He jumped up dodging them. I charged towards him falsely turning to my right. Then did the biggest backflip I could ending up up kicking him to his shoulder. He tossed me over onto my back. I coughed trying to stand again. Ugh, Not again! Once I did, I kicked his legs from in under him.

Mitsukuni had started to circle me heading around towards my right. He looks like a lion encircling his prey. I turned with him constantly keeping view of him. When he attacked I did a punch to his right shoulder while he landed a punch to my left shoulder. Ouch! Then I knocked his legs from under him.

I jumped onto him placing myself on his hips. One hand holding his arm with and the other a shirikeng close to his neck. Then in a second he flipped us and had his hand holding a shirikeng an inch from my neck. He got off of me helping me up slowly dusting himself off.

He smiled, "Good job, you're always improving." I began dusting myself off, "You too." He pouted at me, "I wish dad would understand." I shrugged, "Well, oh well."

A/n: Expected to be updated every 2 days. There will be an a/n at the bottom of the chapter if the next chapter is expected to be late. Monday then Wednesday. If it would be Thursday instead that would be noted in the a/n. Anyway the next chapter will come out Wednesday. Hope to see you then.

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