14-Ropes and Halloween

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Kaito's POV

I stood with the lights in my eyes. The long 1800's style light amber dress on me to match my eyes. Groaning internally as my hip length blonde hair had been curled and was slightly stiff from hairspray. How did I get into this again?


Benibara said, "Girls come on you have too. Our other girls got sick!" Haruhi said, "Alright fine, I'll help." I stared at Haruhi, "If you are I guess I will."

--end memory--

Haruhi said, "Y-You and him are p-p-p-perfect. W-Will you l-l-let your fa-father s-stop y-you?!" I said, "Oh my lord Frederick." I then stood on a platform that had lifted me up off the stage more. I stared at Haruhi, what in the world?!

I stared as Benibara held me tight, "Now for a kiss my fair maiden." Half the audience cheered while half of them glared. Tamaki came up on stage, "Kaito!" When did he get here?! I jumped from the platform and ended up on top of him. I blushed immensely. I got off and helped him back up.

He looked at me surprised that I had the strength to pull him up. Kyoya walked on calm and collected. He said, "Benibara you can't claim Haruhi's first kiss. Seeing as she's already had it." Then behind us on a screen was Haruhi kissing that girls she got dance lessons with at the ball.

Kyoya then said, "So that's why you choose Kaito as the candidate." I said, "S-shut up." Ranka began calling out at Haruhi. The club and Lobelia started chasing after her as well. Excluding me and Kyoya I stood still as they all trip on banana peels. I went back to the dressing room and changed into a pink long sleeve shirt and tucked it into light shade khakis. Then I slipped on a pair of black flats.

Then I left the room and started walking towards the back exit. My shoulder was grabbed and I turned to Mitsukuni. He said, "Good job tonight though Kaito. It looked like you did really well." I said, "Oh thanks Mitsukuni."

He nodded, "Want to go out to eat with Tama-chan?" I said, "Yeah, it's fine as long as I'm home by 10... Right?" He giggled, "Don't worry." I said, "So where is he?" He said, "I'll take you to his limo then leave you in his care. I'm leaving his in yours." I said, "O-oh... Alright, I-I'll do it right this time."


We got out of the limo at a classic brick house looking building. I could feel the confusion on my face. Tamaki said, "Come on." We went in and I noticed the nice formal white interior. The chandeliers sparkled. I said, "Wow beautiful..."

He said, "That's the secret of this place. It looks basic but that's the good thing, cause that makes not many people think that it's such a nice restaurant." After momentary wait we sat down. He got a nonalcoholic martini as I got water. We sat staring at the menu. I said, "I-I don't know yet." Tamaki said, "It's fine take all the time you need."

When the waiter same over he said, "Are you ready Kaito?" I looked down at the menu again, "Y-yeah." He smiled and said, "For me a well done 8oz steak with a side of cooked asparagus." I said, "Quinona crusted chicken with the fresh garden salad."

After writing it down and leaving I said, "You come here often?" He said, "Yeah, your brother actually introduced me to the place." I nodded, "Yeah this seems like a place he'd like. That must mean it has good pastries. He then said, "Yeah, they do. I thought you'd like it too, since he does." I said, "Thanks for bringing me, I'll split the bill with you."

He was about to say something yet our food was brought out and I stared at it. It looks amazing. After supper we ate dessert which was chocolate cheesecake. On the ride to take me home Tamaki looked like he still wanted to say something but never did.

Honey's POV

I stood in the room staring at Takashi and Kaito. The host club choose to try to scare class 1-A tonight. I had on my uniform and a big pumpkin mask. Takashi had his back against the wall. I smiled, "Do you think we'll scare them tonight?" He shrugged in response.

I left to my room and not to soon after the door was opened by a guy. I said, "I'm the wolf man." He screamed and ran out of the room. That seemed too easy. I hope I don't accidentally scare Haru-chan tonight.

Tamaki's POV

We sat on the couch in my family's living room. Kaito is staying the rest of the night and we're watching scary movies. Apparently she was here for something about our parents. Our parents only agreed on her spending the night since we didn't have school tomorrow. Her dad though really seemed frustrated for some reason.

We had both changed into comfortable clothes. She had on black thigh length shorts and a tight grey t-shirt. I stared at her and her focus on me. She was coming back from the kitchen with two bottles on water. She slipped back under the cover we were sharing and sat side by side.

We watched the killer creep towards the closet the girl was hiding in. She had her arms wrapped around my arm. She's squeezing pretty tight. Is she worried something like that will happen to her? No... She's a Haninozuka she's pretty strong. Kyoya said she's said to rival Mitsukuni who is the dread knot of the family.

She turned into my chest while he opened the door. I let her and pulled her into a hug. She looked at me, "Can we change it?" I nodded and flipped the channel until it was on a cooking show. Well maybe she's just not the horror type. Soon she laid her head on my chest and blankly stared at the screen.

She hugged me around my neck, "Thanks Tamaki." I felt my cheeks heat up yet I didn't move. We sat silently watching the cooking show as she kept her head on my chest. I looked down after a while to notice she was asleep.

I looked over to see dad entering the living room. He questioned, "So she fell asleep?" I nodded, "Yeah, she did." He came over and stared. He said, "You know she's one of the two you have to pick from." I said. "So it's her or Eclair to be my fiancé?" He said, "Yes, grandmother has left it up to you to choose."

I said, "Dad how am I supposed to know I've never even met Eclair." He said, "Still in the end it's up to you. You have until next week. Otherwise she'll pick for you." I said, "Does Kaito even know?" Dad shook his head no, "No her father did it while she was in America. Both families are getting impatient and want an answer."

I said, "Well I guess I'll pick..."

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