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Kaito's POV

After pestering Mitsukuni a few more minutes he left. So I began unpacking. I started with my suitcase then went to my backpack. When I got to the family photo I went and hide it in my desk drawer under notebooks and a med kit.

--1 hour later--

A constant tap on my door made me sigh. Then soon afterwards the door opened to reveal Mitsukuni and Takashi. I sighed closing out my web browser and getting up from my desk. I walked over to Takashi who towered over me at 6"4. I wrapped my arm around his waist (4"6) and then climbed up to his shoulders.

I then moved to where I was on his back. He placed his hands under my knees. I rested my head on his shoulder, "Takashi..." He responded, "Yes?" I said, "You're still super tall." He simply nodded his head in agreement.

I said, "I missed you." Takashi nodded in agreement. I sighed, "Why's school have to start soon?!" Mitsukuni said, "It'll be fine. I'll make sure you're okay Ki." I said, "I'm excited... but, I really wish today could last forever." Mitsukuni giggled, "Come on Ki."

He threw himself onto my bed, "We're having a sleepover with Takashi tonight." I smiled, "Yeah, we are." I joined him and stared at the ceiling. I asked, "What are we going to do?"

Takashi held up his hand pointing at my computer. I questioned, "A multi player game?" He shrugged in response. I said, "We could." Mitsukuni said, "Let's do it Ki-chan! Takashi that was a great idea."


Later I checked the clock to see it was 10pm. I sighed stretching my arms, "Whys it have to be so late?" Mitsukuni giggled, "We've been playing for hours." I whined, "Well I'm hungry now."

I turned to Takashi, "Takashi, are you hungry?" He nodded, "Yeah." Mitsukuni proudly stated, "We can eat cake!" I said, "We can, Mitsukuni. Takashi, I could make you a sandwich if you'd like." He nodded his head yes.

Me and Mitsukuni trailed downstairs to the kitchen. I dug around in the pantry getting out bread. Mitsukuni said, "Remember when we were little?" I put the bread on the counter heading to the fridge, "What part Mitsukuni?"

He opened a door and brought out a large strawberry cake and a small chocolate "smash" cake. He said, "When we'd come down and make our own cakes. We always left a mess that the chefs would clean the next day."

I got out ham and cheese and went back to the counter, "Yeah, I do. It used to be so much fun. You'd always get icing everywhere." I let out a light laugh finishing the sandwich then put the stuff back away.

He said, "At least I didn't get batter all over the counters." I said, "Hey, one to talk!" He shrugged running up the stairs as I chased after him. He called out, "Catch me if you can, Ki the arisen warrior!" I mumbled, "Why you..."

When we got up to the room we were giggling. We opened the door and Takashi stared at us. I handed him his sandwich, "Here you go." He nodded, "Thanks."

I said, "You're lucky to have a deep voice. I wish I could hear it more." He smiled and nodded. Mitsukuni said, "Lets eat then play some more." I agreed and so we did.

Takashi left the room at like 12 and came back with more pillows. He laid on my bed on one side. He stated to both of us while he was getting under the cover, "Bed time." I whined, "Really?"

Mitsukuni said, "Come on, Takashi." He restated, "Mitsukuni, Kaito... Bedtime." I retorted, "Fiiiiine."

I got in the bed and laid directly beside Takashi. Mitsukuni climbed in on the other side of me. He gently slid one arm under my head. I said, "I missed you guys..."

Takashi patted my head gently, "I missed you too." Mitsukuni chimed, "I missed you all the time. It was different without you Ki."

I mumbled, "Well I'm back. I'll be at school with you soon enough. Protect me, kay?" Takashi nodded his head yes. I smiled and looked at Mitsukuni.

Mitsukuni said, "I will always keep you safe. I'll always protect you. I love you sis." I said, "Aw I love you too Mitsukuni."

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