Chapter Thirty-Six: I Don't Fall in Love

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Chapter Thirty-Six

I Don’t Fall in Love


Kakashi’s Point of View


            “I think that it is best to temporarily abort your mission, and, instead, join forces and head to the Land of Iron and capture a criminal, Sayaka,” I told her. “After that mission, I can go with you to do whatever mission you have.”

            She smiled lightly, appreciating my offer, but then declined, saying, “I think it is best if I continue my mission, and you and Genma continue yours. I don’t want to further burden or stress the Hokage with any more information. He is becoming more weary by the second.”

            I sighed, knowing that once Sayaka made up her mind, it was final, “If you insist, but message me if you do through that five sense kekkei genkai of yours.”

            “Oh my Kami, I haven’t used that in forever . . .” I heard her chuckled softly. “Well, come back alive, okay?”

            “I could say the same to you, considering you almost died without me, “ I replied with pride.

            “Pft, cocky much?” she rolled her eyes before taking her leave, swift as the wind in the other direction—South.

            “Well, there she goes . . .” I muttered, before calling Genma. “Genma! As soon as you’re ready, wherever you are, come to me, and we will continue our mission!”

            “Up here,” Genma replied, standing from one of the thick branches of the tree next to me.

            “Well then, first of all, what do you see up there?” I questioned, before jumping up onto the branch beside him.

            “Look for yourself,” Genma responded, as he pointed to the wide range of mountains to cross before our eyes.

            “Well, there’s my workout, I muttered frankly as I motioned for Genma to hurry across the forest and into the snow-capped mountain range.


            To be honest, the journey through the mountains was cold and difficult. Snow was falling everywhere, and every breath you took was splattered with snow. I eventually finished the mission without any troubles, and returned to Sayaka, who had finished her mission quite so easily thereafter the incident as well.

            A few months later, the entire people of Konoha were celebrating the end of the Third Shinobi War and a vibrant array of fireworks were ignited out into the glistening skies. Children were running here and there, chasing one another in a game of tag. Some men were playing shogi in the stands, while other men accompanied their wives in their search for clothes. However . . . that wasn’t what Sayaka and I did that night. It was our first date in the courting status, and she and I desired the privacy for our intimate moments together. After all, she was finally mine . . . After all these tedious long years yearning for her to be called “mine.”

            “Look at that one, Kakashi,” she whispered, pointing at the neon cerulean blue blasting radiantly in the sky, as she was sitting on my lap, a blanket covering the both of us, as the night was chilly. “It’s so beautiful.”

            “Well,” I teased frankly. “Not as beautiful as you.”

            At that, I kissed her cheek through my mask, and she blushed. The fact that we have been together for a few months, and she still blushed at my advancements truly satisfied me, if not more. She still shied away from my kisses, though she eventually kissed me back with equal passion.

            “Well,” she trailed off, not sure how to reply.

            “Tell me what your first impression of me was,” I told her, as she was playing with my mask.

            “I thought you were an idiot,” she laughed lightly, and, oh, how I loved that laugh. “To be honest . . . What did you think of me?”

            “The same . . . to be honest,” I winked, copying the last phrase from her.

            She rolled her eyes and placed her head against my chest, and I placed my arms around me.

            “When I first met you,” she murmured. “I swore I wouldn’t fall in love with you.”

            I raised an eyebrow, “Oh, really? Well look at yourself now.”

            She laughed yet again, and it was still music to my ears, “Hahaha, Kakashi.”


            “What can I say, Sayaka,” I emphasized her name seductively into her ear.

            She slapped my chest, and I pouted, before pulling my mask off once again and reeling her into a light kiss.

            Just watching the illuminated moon and the cackling fireworks was the perfect ending to our date . . . but it didn’t just end there.

            At the finale of the fireworks show, when all of the remaining fireworks were to be set off, I kissed her fervently, and she responded with equal zeal. From what started as frenemies became one of the most ardent relationships in history. This was our story . . . our book . . . our life . . . This was her “I Don’t Fall in Love,” and it took my everything . . . to turn those words against her.


That's the final chapter! >.<

Ohemgee . . . this book was like my ultimate favorite too . . . :'(

An epilogue will be up soon though . . . :D

With love,


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