Should I Stay Or Should I Go

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Kozik had instructed Andy to hang back, and wait outside the clubhouse while he went in and talked to his President again. Andy was annoyed, they'd called him and talked to him several times already and she felt like a burden.

"No." Happy's voice rang out, scolding her.

"I hadn't even moved yet." Andy groaned in frustration. Happy had some kind of superpower, like he could read her mind. He knew what she was doing before she did it.

"How do you do that?"

"Do what?" His gruff reply made her roll her eyes but she couldn't stop watching him.

"Stop playing dumb," she hissed as he moved the toothpick slowly from one side of his mouth to the other.

"You're scanning for a way out. Looking around trying to come up with a path."

"Why're you watching me so closely?" Andy was annoyed but tried not to let it show.

"It's my job." He shrugged.

"Whatever," Andy slid off the picnic table she was sitting on, "I'm out."

She began walking toward the road when a hand clamped down around her wrist and pulled her back.

"Don't be a bigger pain in my ass than you have to."

"Oh, so now I'm a pain in your ass?" She asked, placing an attitude filled hand on her hip and whipping around to glare at him.

"What do you mean now," he winked at her.

"You're such a dick," Andy couldn't help but laugh.

"I'll see you around, Hap."

Andy walked away toward the street and Happy rolled his eyes, "I'm not going to chase after you all day. Get your ass back over here right now," Happy snapped and pulled her back.

"Don't rough her up!" Lee, the charter president for Tacoma, called as he walked out of the clubhouse with Kozik and a few others in tow.

"Look, dude, this isn't necessary. I'll leave, y'all can tell Juice I ran away so he doesn't get his panties in a wad."

Lee chuckled, "It's not that simple, sweetheart. Gemma gave the order to keep you safe."

Andy rolled her eyes at this, "Gemma isn't in the club."

"You've got a lot to learn," another biker laughed and Happy pulled her along as the group headed back into the clubhouse. Andy rolled her eyes at his actions and decided that the second Happy turned his back she'd make a run for it.

"Hey, darlin." A woman with long dark curls said smiling at Andy. "I'm Kelly, Lee's Old Lady. I'll be taking you to the mall tomorrow, you need anything and you can come to me."

She seemed sweet but stern and Andy liked that. Kelly seemed like the kind of woman that could turn any place into a home.

"Sounds great. Thank you." Andy fake smiled at the woman. She knew that tomorrow at the mall would be her best chance to get away from them.

"I'm Lee, President of the Tacoma Charter. While you're hiding out here you're going to be helping Kelly with whatever she needs-" "I'm not a sweetbutt," Andy cut him off with finality dripping from her words. 

Lee chuckled, "Yeah, SAMCRO made it pretty clear that you don't put out." 

"Kozik, go show her to her room for me, honey." Kelly said with a sigh as she walked off into what looked like the kitchen.

"Come on, gorgeous," Kozik grinned at her as he lead her down a hallway. He stopped in front of a door that was almost at the end of the hall. He pulled a key down off the top of the trim and unlocked the door. 

"My dorm is directly across from yours, and Happy is next to you." Kozik said as he gestured at each room. 

They walked into her dorm and Andy couldn't help but check out his arms as he talked, she had no idea what he was saying, she was too busy thinking about those arms. Every muscle in his body was so well defined and he had the cutest little grin.

"You done, sweetheart?" Kozik asked with a laugh that got her out of her daze. 

"Get some rest, you've got a long day ahead of you tomorrow." 

Andy just nodded as Kozik set the key down on top of the cheap black dresser and walked out.

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