Broken Bones

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"Juice, would you just listen to me?" Andy asked as he walked away from her.

"Would you stop being so childish? You run from all your problems and throw a fit whenever you don't get your way." Juice snapped at her.

"I don't know what I've done to piss all of you off but I'm sorry, Juice. Yeah, I ran from Kelly I thought if I wasn't around then Vasilios would leave you guys alone. And I yelled at Hap because he was pissed at me for no reason. I just wanted to talk to you about this stuff." Andy sighed as she followed Juice through the clubhouse.

"So are you just ignoring the fact that you're going around fucking prospects in the middle of all the shit that's going on because of you?" Juice hissed turning to face her.

"Juice, what the hell are you talking about?" Andy asked loudly, barely stifling a laugh.

"You fucked that NOMAD prospect after members almost died trying to protect you." He said crossing his arms over his chest.

"I didn't fuck anyone, Juice. We spent six months getting wasted together every night and we didn't even so much as touch each other's hands and you think that I was alone with him for five minutes and just jumped him?"

"Really?" Juice asked squinting at her and scratching his head.

"Seriously, Juice?" Andy sighed and shook her head as she turned to walk away.

"Why would Hap say that you did then?" He asked as he followed her.

"I don't know, Juice. All Sam and I did was talk. He convinced me to come back and handle this shit. That's it." Andy said as she turned to look at him. Juice nodded and sighed.

"Why are you all getting so worked up about this? You guys don't want me having sex?" Andy asked with a smirk.

"Hey Doll," Tig said smiling as he walked into the kitchen area of the clubhouse, "sorry to interrupt your talk with Juicy but the guys need you give them some more info."

Andy rolled her eyes at Juice before following Tig out of the room.

Several of the guys glared at Andy as they all stood around the bar while she talked and they made a plan. She couldn't help but get more and more pissed off as they glared at her and whispered to each other while she spoke.

"Damnit, what is wrong with all of you?" She was practically yelling as she slammed her drink down onto the bar top. They all got quiet as they looked at her, "I didn't fuck the prospect. I didn't ask for you guys to help me. Thank you for trying to take care of me, but I will handle it on my own."

Andy turned and walked out of the clubhouse, slamming the door behind her. Happy looked at the door and back at the guys who were too stunned to move, he locked eyes with Juice and they both bolted to the door. Andy was almost to the street before they caught up to her.

"Hey, hey." Juice said as he stood in front of her blocking her path. "What?" She snapped at him, crossing her arms over her chest.

"You need to stop throwing these fucking tantrums. You're seriously not worth the trouble. I don't see Gemma's need to keep you around with the way you're acting," Happy's voice was gruff and hateful.

"Maybe that's the reason I'm acting this way, dumbass."

"Doesn't matter what you want, you're club business now."

"That's bullshit, and you know it. And even if I had fucked the prospect it wouldn't be your business anyway, so stay out of my love life."

"Your love life almost got Chibs killed today so it is my business."

"Hap, cut her some slack she doesn't know what's going on." Juice snapped, ending their argument.

Juice and Hap headed back to the clubhouse with Andy bitterly in tow. She told herself it was just to find out what Juice meant but she knew she couldn't handle Vasilios on her own. She would end up running until he eventually killed her.

When they walked into the clubhouse all of the men in kuttes glanced at them disinterestedly, Andy pursed her lips and sighed. She was only making things worse for these guys. "I want to talk to the guys, Clay, Max, and all the guys are a part of this mess." She spoke quietly, only loud enough for Juice and Happy to hear. Juice smirked, he was winning her over, getting her to trust him. Happy just rolled his eyes, annoyed by her constant back and forth. "Wait in the garage," Happy said with a harshness to his voice that took Andy by surprise but she understood why.

A few minutes after Andy had found her way into the garage the guys all filed in, looking irritated. She was nervous but she didn't want the guys to know that.

"I'm sorry I've been fighting you guys so much, I thought I could handle it on my own without getting any of you hurt or too involved but I was wrong. I do need your help, and I'll do everything I can to make it up to you. I can cook, clean, bartend, help with the paperwork for the garage. I'll get Vasilios off your backs, and I'll be out of your lives as soon as I can. So if you guys can fill me in on what you've got going on with him, I can tell you how to get rid of him. And I didn't fuck that prospect," Andy sighed and looked at them pleading with them to believe her.

"You run out on us like that again and we'll kill you and hand your body over to those Greek bastards so fast your body won't even be cold yet." Jax snapped, with a cold look in his eyes she knew he knew he was serious.

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