Part 5 - The Last Refuge Of A Scoundrel (V)

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3 years ago...

"The scholarship you're here on doesn't exist."

"That's not what the T-Net says, so you can take it to the administrative tribunal if you feel that strongly about it but we both know who they're going to side with."

"If I actually wanted you gone I would take the matter to the people who won't find themselves overruled by a non-sentient computer. I don't, however. The inner workings of our monetary system are simply a piece of middling theater; hacking yourself a personal educational bursery isn't going to affect inflation in even the immeasurably small way it would have if our money was real."

"I'll keep that in mind," said McAfree, smiling and turning her head "I don't believe we've been introduced Professor..."

"Doctor, I think you'll find," said Dr. Kang.

"Apologies," said McAfree "I wouldn't want to deny you the full height and dignity of your title. So, what's up Doc?"

"About your so-called scholarship," said Dr. Kang "You did excellent work. It's a perfect forgery."

"Well obviously it wasn't perfect since you saw through it," said McAfree.

"I know everything," said Dr. Kang "That's beside the point. No one in a position to care about your fraud could ever figure it out. How did you learn to do that?"

"Needs must when the devil drives," said McAfree.

"I would appreciate a straight answer to my question," said Dr. Kang.

"If you're not an investigator with the school what's all this about?" asked McAfree, darkening.

"That is a very interesting question," said Dr. Kang "I'll answer your interesting question if you answer mine."

"Your question isn't that interesting. No deal.

"If you don't see the deeper question, or if you do see it but aren't instantly enraptured with curiosity, then none of this matters anyway. I misjudged you."

Dr. Kang began to walk away.

"Misjudged me? You don't even know me!" yelled McAfree after him.

Dr. Kang didn't give any indication he heard her.

"Hey!" yelled McAfree "Hey wait up!" she ran off after him.

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