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Devyn P.O.V

As we exited the plane, my mother grabbed me by the hand and as she scurried to bus stop to get to Santa Monica. 

"Mom why are you doing this?" I said stopping in my tracks.

"Because...just don't question me right now." She said rolling her eyes in annoyance.

"Seriously mom what there for you in Santa Monica!?" I yelled as I stomped my foot in the ground, with tears streaming from my eyes.

"A close friend of mine lives here and he's going to be letting us live with him." She said.

"I want to be with dad." I said in a hushed tone.

"Well its not happening, you're staying with me and Leo." She said

I slumped in my seat and cried myself to sleep
Shawn P.O.V

"I miss her so much." I said trying to keep my composure.

"Don't worry Uncle Shawn." Riley said as she engulfed me in a hug.

I hugged her back tightly.

"Shawn, they may have left the city, the state even." Corey said looking at me with sad eyes.

"I can try to contact Devyn and see if she'll respond." Riley said grabbing her cell phone.

"Hello?" Riley said

"Riley, it's so good to hear your voice."     Devyn's voice said faintly.

"Are you okay?" Riley asked worried

"We've been worried sick about you, especially your dad."

I could hear faint cries through the other end.

I quickly ran to take the phone from Riley

"Sweetheart it's me." I said holding tears back.

"Daddy, I miss you so much." Devyn said

"Please come get me".

"I'm on my way, but just tell me where you are." I asked frantically

"I'm in..Santa Monica."

"Santa Monica, California?" I asked

"Yes, I'm with mom at some guy's house, the address is 122 Sylmore Drive" she said rushing her words.

"Please hurry, I'm not in danger but I miss all of you and I want to be with you." She said sniffling.

"I am coming baby, just stay put my love." I said reassuring her.

I ended the call and made sure to bring  extra money with me.

"Shane where are you going?" Corey and Topanga asked.

"I'm going to get my daughter and I need to do this alone." I said.

I grabbed my things and caught a flight to Santa Monica

Devyn -  Hunter (Girl Meets World)Where stories live. Discover now