Chapter 3 - This Won't Work

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Seth groaned softly somewhere to my left. I imitated the sentiment. September had no business being this hot. It really didn't. It was already the 6th, and autumn should have knocked on our door ages ago, yet there we were, being baked alive in our classroom.

"It's been a good life..." Seth grumbled. He was fanning his face with the math handout. "Tell my mom I love her, and that Mio can't have my tarot cards."

"I don't think I'm gonna make it," I mumbled against my desk. The heat sent sweat drops sliding down my skin, staining my t-shirt. My flannel button-down shirt had been ripped off and slung over a chair ages ago, but I still felt like I was slowly cooking in a hot pot. I sent Seth a lazy look, noting the limpness of his body against the chair.

Seth was my best friend. There was no other way to describe him. He was the kind of guy that instantly knew whether he liked you or not (he gave his general savviness with the occult credit for this), and I had been an easy decision. That's why he had latched onto me at the beginning of eight grade, and stuck with me ever since. It was no surprise when he applied for the media program at December High, and I was happy to have his company, even if he spent most of the time talking about fortune telling.

"Boys, end the dramatics," a voice interrupted my train of thoughts.

I came face to face with a constipated looking boy. William had the unique ability to make anything sound like an insult, which meant hanging around him was a confusing and exhausting affair. This time he clearly meant harm with every syllable. I raised my head and stared into his beady eyes. He was our class representative and in charge of the literary club. His face was red and gleaming with sweat, obviously suffering from the heat even if he refused to admit it.

"You alright?" I asked him. "You don't look so good."

"Silence, Summers. Mr. White has requested a report from you ASAP." William paused, and the way his eyes glittered sent chills down my spine. "He really needs the film project to be a success. Our entire program is depending on you, so don't mess it up."

And then he was off again, leaving an empty form on my desk. The title read "Project Report", and looked like the kind of thing I did not want to bother with. I sent Seth a look of suffering.

"Remind me why you stuck me and the most useless guy in school on a project this important," I whined at him. "Everyone knows Axel ruins everything he touches."

"It's because you're the best at making movies, even if Whitey won't admit it." Seth grinned. "Remember your horror parody last year? Everyone was in tears." Seth loved reminiscing over our freshman memories. We had been a force to be reckoned with back then: two fresh-faced kids with ambition and access to fancy equipment.

"Sure," I said with a grin, catching a bit of Seth's mood. "But why not make my partner someone bearable? Axel could very well ruin the whole thing."

I was about to go into a lengthy rant when my phone dinged. I fished it out of my pocket and stared at the screen. Message from Axel. Oh, great.

"Hi. Let's meet up after school and make a plan."

I fanned my face with the project report, not really caring about leaving sweaty finger marks on it. So Axel wanted to meet up? With me? After school? He wasn't all booked up with his Fight Club members? Maybe he was planning on dragging me off and beating the shit out of me. I shook my head. Chill, Nao. He probably needed to land a good grade on this, just like I did. I'd made some decisions last night while tossing and turning in bed. I was going to make this easy for him.

"OK. You know Instinct? The Café downtown?" I sent off the message.

"Yes." (Why was he so blunt?!)

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