Chapter 7 - Dating for Dummies

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Lily liked Alt-J, trendy cafes, and documenting her life to her 34,000 Instagram followers. She also enjoyed dragging me around town like human luggage. Sometimes I swore I was more like her personal assistant than her boyfriend.

Today was one of those times. By 11 am I was already exhausted and ready to tap out. It was Saturday, the streets were packed, and we had just wrestled our way out of the local H&M store. Lily was on a mission to haul me through her favorite shops, and her sights were set on the Forever 21 across the road. I carried her bags like the dutiful boyfriend I was, trying very hard to ignore how cold and damp the city was. Clouds obscured the sun, and the air smelled like rain.

Lily walked ahead, heels clicking briskly against the cobblestones, seemingly unaware of the woes of her boyfriend. Her blonde hair was styled in meticulous curls that bounced in time with her steps. She wore a trendy coat over a blouse, and a high waisted skirt with a floral pattern. Her earrings looked like tiny pearls, glinting whenever they caught any sunlight. Lily looked like she'd stepped right out of a fashion magazine.

"Lily... You've bought like, three pairs of shoes already," I whined, trying in vain to juggle the massive amount of shopping bags she had handed me. "How do you even afford all this? I've been broke ever since I bought Seth lunch last week."

Lily laughed, a melodic and pleasant sound. "That's because your only income is your allowance," she said, shoving another bag at me. "That won't pay the bills, love. Blogging on the other hand..." She whistled a happy tune.

Truth be told, Lily had no bills to pay, and probably wouldn't for quite some time. She lived with her parents and was an only child. Ever since her profile took off on Instagram last year, she'd landed several sponsorship deals, which led to freebies, more popularity, and more funds than a seventeen-year-old knew what to do with. The money she earned was spent on further developing her Internet persona, and she seemed to enjoy every second of it.

"Oh, that reminds me," she said, perking up. "My dad told me to invite you over for dinner. He said it's been too long since he hung out with his favorite son in law." She singsonged the words as we entered Forever 21, grabbing hold of my arm so she could press a little closer. She smelled like flowers and expensive shampoo. "You'll come over, right?" she begged, staring up at me with her bright blue eyes.

"Of course I will." I bowed down to plant a brief kiss on her forehead. It felt nice to be around someone shorter than me. Lily hummed, closing her eyes.

Soon enough she was browsing the store for more clothes to take home. She would come back to me every now and then, sometimes to ask for my opinion, other times just to touch my arm. She knew her way around the store, and trying on clothes was one of her favorite pastimes. It was obvious Lily was in her right element. Her smiles came easier now, and when she interlaced our hands as we queued by the counter, I knew she had finally forgiven me for what happened the other day.

 Her smiles came easier now, and when she interlaced our hands as we queued by the counter, I knew she had finally forgiven me for what happened the other day

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