Chapter 50 - Silent Night

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December was snow, snow, and then some more snow. From the hour it began on November 30th, the snow had kept on falling. Within the next few days, the city had been covered in a white blanket of stillness. Sounds were muted, footsteps were crunchy, and the nights seemed brighter than they had before. December High was surrounded by "danger, falling snow" signs, and more than one student had already been a victim of the roof's droppings. By the time December 5th arrived, piles of frosty goodness were assembled near the entry hall, only growing taller the more it snowed.

"This is insane," Seth said, letting his eyes pan across the street outside. Cars were struggling against the sleet, wheels turning with no purchase in the ground. A row of them had stagnated nearby, honking at each other as they fought the elements.

"Why do people drive in the winter anyway?" I asked, watching as a red-faced man stepped out of his car to yell at the Mercedes in front of him. "It's not like they get anywhere."

"Human nature, Nao-boy," Seth hummed, returning his attention to his laptop. He was finishing up a graphic for the festival, forcing it through Photoshop for a final polish. "We like to fight the odds. Also, it's cold as balls."

Laughter bubbled between us, and the cars finally managed to escape their icy hell. Traffic flowed once again, and my distractions were gone with it. Facing any task was a struggle now that the 15th was only ten days away.

"So the guy still hasn't replied?" I mumbled, staring at the empty document on my laptop. I was bad with clean slates and possibilities. Something about the blankness made my skin crawl. I would much rather take on something concrete and predictable.

"He probably won't." Seth suppressed a yawn. "I mean, there's no need to. He'll just show up."

"And you're sure about this."


The bait had been placed right in front of the stalker. All that remained now was the wait. It should have been an easy thing to bear. Watching the snow fall outside was peaceful, and Christmas decorations had started popping up around school, mingling with the festival banners. Waiting for the holidays and the completion of projects and operations alike, it should have been easy.

Hasty footsteps alerted us to someone's arrival. I shifted my position to catch a glimpse.

Axel's coat had taken a break now that the snow and winter were here for good. He wore a military dyed parka now, with deep pockets and a fur-lined hood. His hands were buried in said pockets as he approached our little study club, feet dragging and face looking sullen.

"Hey," he said, voice mirroring his expression.

"'Sup, man?" Seth chirped in reply, seemingly oblivious to the newcomer's mood. I suspected my friend was less sensitive to Axel's emotions than I was.

"Our deadline's coming up," Axel continued. He wasn't looking at me, but I recognized the words as mine.

"We're finished." The empty hole in my belly gurgled. I willed it to shut up. The 15th was right around the corner, and avoiding Axel had been my go-to plan to get through these last few days. The likelihood of me doing something stupid was that much larger if I actually had to be around him.

Axel said nothing to that, only stood around nearby, parkas dripping melted snow onto the linoleum. Seth had caught on by now, sending confused looks from Axel and back to me. His mouth was half-open, as if ready to say something, but nothing came out. It was probably for the best. The Christmas lights over our heads blinked lazily down at us, signaling that perhaps us boys should resolve our beefs some other place.

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