Chapter 11 - Stars

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"Well, well, well," Olivia drawled, glancing down at me in a fashion not unlike Axel. They both towered a good fifteen centimeters above me. "If it isn't the trash Lily keeps dragging around. To what do I owe the pleasure?" The smile she sent me was so cold it could probably freeze hell over. I managed nay but a single squeak in reply. Olivia had that effect on people, and I was no exception.

"Interview," Axel's voice came from my side, and I had never been so happy to hear one of his one-liners. Olivia turned to face him, giving me enough time to raise my gaze and consider her in earnest.

Olivia was huge. She was close to 182 cm, with long, toned limbs, and a broad frame. Her hair was coal black and tied into a long ponytail that cascaded down her back. She was the epitome of both strength and elegance, and she knew it. She was wearing an Adidas tank top and some shorts, and I felt rather like vomiting in a wastebasket at the sight of her. If Mr. White didn't kill me, Olivia surely would.

"And who are you, exactly?" Olivia considered Axel. There was evidence of a pleased glint in her eye as she faced the guy that rivaled her height. I felt like an actual hobbit standing next to them, but realized this might be a good thing. If Olivia forgot I was there, I might be able to survive the interview. Perhaps I could just slide by and disappear right now...

"I'm Axel."

Olivia inspected his face, taking in the bruises and the cut lip, and her face broke into a smile. Sharp canines poked out beneath her lip, an expression that was almost scarier than her scowl.

"The infamous Axel," she said, drawing the words out as she considered him. "I like your face. You'd be a better match for Lily than this squirt." The look she sent me was one of utter disdain and disapproval. A heavy lump settled in the pit of my stomach - running was no longer an option. I would have to stick this out till the end.

Olivia was as honest as they got, letting you know exactly what she thought of you, even if that meant stripping you of any confidence you may have. I'd been on the receiving end of her hatred ever since I started dating Lily, so you'd think I was used to it by now.

"The interview," Axel continued, and he sent me a meaningful look. I wasn't sure exactly what that meaning was, but Axel seemed to be sending me a message. After staring at each other for a few aggravating seconds, I felt the familiar weight of the camera in my hand. Oh, right. The interview. If we got this over with quick, I could escape and maybe save my pride in the process.

"Right, so uh, Olivia." I coughed, clasping at the camera like it was a lifeline. "I know I'm not your favorite person in the world, but you're the ace of the dance class. We could really use your words on the highlight reel." I nodded towards Axel. "He's the one behind the questions, I'll be the cameraman. It's cool if you want to pretend I'm not here." I paused, considered my next words. "In fact, I'd actually prefer if you do. It'd make the interview better."

I gestured a bit to end my nervous rant, and all Olivia did was regard me with an unimpressed look.

"That's fine," she said and gave me a frosty smile. "I do have one condition."

She turned her body towards me, facing me fully. Her frame loomed over me like a mountain, and the height difference was staggering. Her entire demeanor seemed to convey just how much of an insignificant insect I was in her presence.

"I'll do the interview," she drawled. "But only if you get off your lousy ass and let Lily have her way."

"H-have her way?" I squeaked, voice cracking.

"Yes," Olivia said, grinning. "With you."


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