Everyday life - Baekhyun

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Baekhyun's POV

I wake up in empty house again. How long has it been since the last time I saw Chanyeol? It is 6 in the morning and mother will be here in 6:30. I get up from bed and go to the bathroom. After shower I stand on bath rug in front of huge mirror and watch my reflection. Then I stand on the weighing scale and see that I have 42 kilos. Mother will be pleased.

Four months back I was in Paris with Chanyeol. We spent amazing weekend and it was so beautiful. I was so relaxed and forget about my strict diet and ate like a normal person. But then we came back to Korea and mother was pissed as never before. I gained almost one kilo during the weekend, so I had 53 kilos. When mother measured my weight she slapped me across face few times and father has yelled at me. I remember how we were sitting in the living room and they were both mad. My father hates me because for him I am just poor excuse for son. For him I am too weak and too feminine. I was just crying on the sofa and let them yelled at me. Mother put me on more strict diet so now I can only drink water and few spoons of rice per week. Now I am going days without eating. Mother's goal for me is to have 40 kilos and I am so close now, maybe she will let me to eat more.

I get dressed in jeans and sweater and then put on thick woolen coat because I am cold all the time. Mother's car with her driver is here and he takes us to casting. Mother is my manager, she was model, so she knows how it works and she can keep close eye on me. I am twenty-four old, but I lived with my parents until I was twenty-two. When I was twenty-two I met Chanyeol at some party and after long time of persuading they let me to live with him. Chanyeol has company with his two friends so he is rich and pays for everything. I have plenty of work, but all my cheques go to mother, so I don't have a single dollar.

We are sitting in lobby and wait for my turn in the casting. There are many beautiful models and I am not sure if I will win. I am famous but not as pretty as them. There is big plate of oat cookies and I take one because I am hungry. I haven't eaten in last five days, only drunk water. I want to take a bite, but mother jabbed me in ribs with her sharp elbow.

"Put it back right now! This is Gucci so can you stop stuffing your cheeks? You already look like hamster."

"Mother please I am hungry. Just this one."

She stabs her long nail into my shoulder. She leans closer and whisper in my ear.

"I ruined my career by giving birth to you! And now you are acting like a ungrateful brat?!"

"Sorry mother."

I put the cookie back and gulp saliva. The cookies are warm and smell so nice and my stomach is so empty. I even can't drink water now because mother says that my stomach will be swollen. It is my turn and mother goes inside with me. I walk in front of long table where sit four Gucci managers. I show them my runway walk and then they told me to stand in front of them and pose.

"He has too puffy cheeks."

"Yes, he is too chubby for his height."

"But he has cute face, we can fix the rest in Photoshop"

They are speaking like I am not standing right here. Mother is standing in the shadow behind them and she is angrily glaring at me.

"We will call you."

We can leave and stepped in the elevator. Mother hang her Hermés handbag on her shoulder and turns to me.

"Do you see this?"

She pinched my cheeks with her nails and I cry out in pain.

"They said that they will call later."

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