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Great just fucking great, his parents are here. They think that I turned their only son into gay but it is bullshit. They don't care about him, they just want money from his fame. His mother pushed him into modelling and his father only abused Baekhyun for being too feminine. They are sitting in front of the doctor's office so there is no way to avoid them. His mother is poorly pretending crying and his father is staring at me. The doctor is coming and I jump to him to ask where is my Baekhyun.

"You can't see him right now mister Park."

"Why? What happened?"

The doctor leads me in his office and pushed me on couch.

"Mister Byun has traces of self-harming on his thighs and arms. He collapsed due exhaustion and malnourished, he has probably eating disorder too."

This is heavy load on one small boy as Baekhyun. But it is even bigger load for me because it is my fault. I wasn't at home for him, I was sleeping on couch in my office because of the tons of work on my shoulders. Baekhyun is fragile, not just physically but psychologically too.

"Why can't I visit him?"

"Well after waking up mister Baekhyun had psychological meltdown and tried to hurt himself so now he is under sedatives. We had to do some steps to prevent him from further self-harming."

"Can I just see him? I won't wake him up."

"Ok but you will sign some papers because I am not going to deal with his mother again. You are his boyfriend after all."

After I sign few papers which are basically telling that Baekhyun has to stay in hospital even if he doesn't want to the doctor leads me to his room. I am glad that Baekhyun has private room because he doesn't need some fucking paparazzi. The doctor goes inside with me and stays at the door. I am standing next to his bed and feel vomits in my throat. When was the last time I saw him? Because now he doesn't look like my Baekhyun but like a corpse. Without make up and his famous eye liner he looks like teenager. But without make up I can see how unhealthy grey colour is his skin and how sunken in are his cheeks. He has big dark circles around eyes and they look like a holes. Even under the blanket I can see how big is the gap where his small tummy was before.

"Baeki what have you done to yourself?"

Baekhyun is lying with closed eyes and oxygen mask over his mouth and nose.

"Like I said, he is under sedatives, so he can't hear you. He should be awake tomorrow."

I silently nod and stroke his small hand which looks like skeleton with pale skin over it. He is tied to bed by his ankles and wrists, but I can't imagine that he was fighting with nurses when he looks like stronger breeze could break him.

"Wake up soon I will pamper you like a prince."

Neglected baby boyWhere stories live. Discover now