Creating bond

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Chanyeol's POV

Today I wake up early and go in Baekhyun's nursery. He is still sound asleep and I prepared an outfit for him.

 He is still sound asleep and I prepared an outfit for him

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I want to work out a bit but I cant leave my baby alone. Thats why I bought a baby carrier. I have strong muscles and he weights almost nothing so there wont be a problem. I put the harness on and lift Baekhyun from his crib. I changed his diaper and then dressed him. Then I pres his body to my chest. Part of the carrier is leading under his bum and another two wide straps are leading over my shoulders and over his back and connect under his bum. His thin legs and bum are now creating "M" shape and I pull piece of soft material to hold his head on my chest. Now he can breathe but the carrier is snug enough that he cant move. Baekhyun is sucking on pacifier and weakly whined. I stroked his hair and jump on spot a bit.

"Like this you cant get away from daddy."

I go in kitchen and prepared bottle of formula for him. It is full of calories and vitamins so he can get stronger. I pushed the teat between his lips and poke his soft cheek a bit.

"Start drinking baby."

Baekhyun is looking at me but then slowly starts to suck. I smiled and prepared breakfast for me. Baekhyun had diarrhea yesterday, probably because of the solid food so now he is going to be on the formula for few days. It contains everything what he needs and it isn't too heavy on his weak stomach. I am eating crispy bacon and he finished his drink. I am eating while cupping his small foot in my hand. Baekhyun is drooling a bit on my chest and I go in my small gym. I start to run on a treadmill and Baekhyun's legs are dangling in air. I am keeping one palm pressed to his back and run for two hours until I got tired. This wasn't a real exercising for me so I am not even sweaty.

I changed his diaper and then go in my office. I need to answer on few emails and Baekhyun is still sleeping in the carrier. I am typing with one hand and my second hand is cupping his small foot. From time to time I look down on him and admire his cuteness. Being my baby really suits him well. I stroked his sunken in cheek and touched tip of his button nose. Baekhyun stirred a bit and sucks on his pacifier.

"Okay, daddy isn't going to annoy you anymore."

Baekhyun calmed down and snuggles closer to my warm chest. It is time for a snack so I go in kitchen. I prepared bottle of formula and pushed the rubber teat between Baekhyun's pouty lips. He whines but after a while he started to suck because he is thirsty. I smiled and take a banana. I mushed it with a fork and then bring a spoon with the sweet fruit to his mouth. Baekhyun whined again and I pushed the spoon in his mouth. After a while he finally swallowed and he slowly eats the whole banana, spoon after spoon. I am walking around the house and rubs his back so he can fall asleep and after a while it worked. He only needs food and sleep before he is going to get better. My baby is sleeping so I lay him down in his crib and sat down in a rocking chair in his nursery. I am reading some books about eating disorders and hopes that I wont need to put him in a hospital. I don't like the idea that he would be alone in some strange place with crazy people around him. What if someone hurts him and I wont be there to protect him? I know that I wasn't with him before but I am not going to do that mistake again.

Baekhyun sleeps for few hours and then he woke up with wet diaper. I changed him and then carried him downstairs. I put few coloring books and big set of crayons on coffee table in the living room and sat him down on the warm carpet. I put my palm on his lower back to support my weak baby so he wont fell down. Baekhyun starts to color and I am coloring too. He seems interested so I get up and get a strawberry yoghurt from kitchen. Baekhyun eats only few spoons and then moved his head away. I see that he is really trying to eat so I don't force him. I am rubbing his back and stroke his hair and also kiss his cheeks from time to time. Me and my baby have to create strong bond which was ruined by my work.

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