Mean bitch

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Today Baekhyun's mother came and she isn't very nice. She is angrily kicking in the front door and yells obscenities because she is pissed off. Her son disappeared for four weeks and she wants to see him right now. She has enough of waiting and Baekhyun has to work. Chanyeol opened the front door and it made her even more angry.

"I don't want to see you dumbass, I want my son back!"

Chanyeol frowned and wants to throw this witch in the deepest hole.

"No, he doesn't want to speak with you."

She angrily stomped her feet and yelled again.


She is yelling so much that the boy really heard him. He is playing with wooden blocks upstairs in his nursery and froze after hearing her. He is trembling in fear and got out of little space. His mother is here and she sounds angry! Baekhyun looked down on his clothes and few tears escaped his eyes.

 His mother is here and she sounds angry! Baekhyun looked down on his clothes and few tears escaped his eyes

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It is cute but now he is going to wear that uncomfortable clothes from famous designers and people will force make up on his face again. He doesn't want to be a model anymore. He doesn't care about his angry mother or father, he is simply going to find some dark tiny place and he will hide there.

Meanwhile Chanyeol angrily pushed that old bitch away from the front door and angrily throws his arms around.

"Go away from my house! Baekhyun isn't yours!"

She tries to get in the house again but she has no chance against big Chanyeol.

"You aren't going to squeeze more money out of him. You bullied him and crushed him to fulfill your dreams!"

She hits him with her purse so Chanyeol threw her over his shoulder and carried her to her waiting taxi.

"Bye and burn in hell."

She is standing there completely shocked and Chanyeol goes back in the house. He hears sobbing coming from upstairs and runs there, thanks to his long legs he is standing in the nursery in few seconds and fell down on his knees next to crying Baekhyun.

"What is wrong? She is gone so don't worry."

Baekhyun sobs more and rubs his eyes. Chanyeol cooed sadly and moves closer to him. He pressed Baekhyun's ear to his chest and the boy immediately calmed down after hearing his calm heartbeat. He feels like he got connected with his daddy on completely different level, they are so close right now. He is patting Baekhyun's back to calm him down and after few minutes it worked.

"I don't want to be a model again."

Baekhyun's eyes full of tears looked at him and he sniffled again.

"Did you really think that I will let her take you away?"

Chanyeol kissed top of his nose and smiled.

"I love you baby."

Baekhyun cuddled closer to him and Chanyeol slowly picked him up.

"I love you too but I am fat now, why are you still with me?"

Baekhyun wrapped his arms around Chanyeol's neck and hided his face in crook of his neck. He was really scared that his mother and father are going to take him away from Chanyeol but now in his strong arms he feels so safe.

"You aren't fat, you are my little dumpling. My perfect little dumpling."

Chanyeol easily lifted him up in the air and then carried him in kitchen and out of habit sat him down in his highchair, He started to prepare tea for them and Baekhyun is staring on the cup and after a while hesitantly picked him up. He got easily used to drinking from sippy cup so now he spilled most of it. Chanyeol quickly started to clean him with napkins and then poured him the tea in sippy cup. Baekhyun smiled and started to suck on it. He needs to admit that it is soothing to suck on pacifier, bottle or sippy cup. Chanyeol is watching him and then strokes his cheek.

"Do you like to be my baby?"

Baekhyun shrugged because he doesn't know.

"I want to be a baby but I also want to be an adult."

Chanyeol smiled and nodded because he doesn't mind it.

"Could you take me out of this chair? Maybe we can go in park."

Chanyeol jumped up and takes him out of the highchair. He carried him upstairs and put him down so Baekhyun can choose his own clothes but he doesn't move.

"Dress me up daddy."

Baekhyun lifted up his arms so Chanyeol can take off his shirt. Chanyeol is surprised that his little boyfriend doesn't mind this so he quickly starts to change his clothes and then stopped at the diaper.

"Should I leave this on?"

Baekhyun shakes his head no and gladly accept pair of briefs. Chanyeol dressed him in cute pink tracksuit and put on pair of white sneakers. Baekhyun wriggled his feet to show that he wants him to tie his shoelaces and Chanyeol quickly fulfilled wishes of his little prince. Baekhyun isn't walking very fast because his legs are tired from not using them for long weeks so they got in the park quite late but to Baekhyun's surprise there are also Luhan and Sehun who are smiling like two idiots. Baekhyun also shocked on his breath when he realized the Sehun has a pacifier hidden in his pocket. They go to swings and Chanyeol started to swing his baby. Baekhyun maybe isn't in little space right now but it doesn't mean that he can't enjoy this. That was probably the problem before. He was alone and couldn't find a reason to smile and now with Chanyeol he can't stop smiling widely. Chanyeol is carefully swinging him and pays attention if is his baby comfy. After some time Sehun spotted cart with ice cream and runs there while the rest go slowly behind him. Sehun is soon holding cone with chocolate ice cream and Luhan is keeping an eye on him so he won't get the ice cream everywhere. Chanyeol is holding Baekhyun's small hand and they walk around the park for a while until they spotted a huge poster from Gucci's campaign where is Baekhyun. They are staring on the poster for a while and then Chanyeol turned to Baekhyun.

"This version is better."

Chanyeol kissed his chubby cheek until his small boyfriend blushes. Now he needs to help Baekhyun with loving this version of himself.



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